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Руслан и Людмила

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Now sit and hear me out, I pray.
Know this, Ruslan, a wizard's done
you wrong,
A wicked sorcerer, Chernomor.
Of lovely maidens the abductor,
the dweller of the mountain shore.
No more can I say. On you two fates,
My son, depend,
Yours and your mate's.
I make too bold to ask you this;
You, who befriend me, I importune.
Speak! Tell me, confidant of
Why came you to this wilderness?
Be seated, son. My land of birth
Lies in a distant part of the earth.
Under somber sky.
A Finn am I.
Those valleys in memory come to me.
I guarded flocks in meadow and lea.
In the time of my carefree youth
I knew the forests and the streams,
Grottoes and rocks, it is the truth,
And youth's modest pleasures and
its dreams.
Not long, for I the truth can tell,
Did I in this contentment dwell.
My destiny upon me fell...
Naina was she I loved so well.
I opened my heart. To her said l:
Naina, I love you, for you will die!
I pray that you shall something say!
You, shepherd, I despise. Go away!
'Twas then that I, so cruelly banned,
Did leave my lovely native land.
I sailed the oceans, unafraid,
On gory battlefields I fought
To win Naina's love I sought.
For I did love the naughty maid.
My tender yearning would not
leave me
At festive board, or in the field,
To see my homeland and Naina
And by the sight of them be healed.
Behold, I am returned, Naina.
I bring you gifts fit for a queen,
Coral, and gold, and pearls and
I and my men fought hard to win.
Ne'er were you, maid, by me forgot.
I love you, love you, sweet Naina!
Oh hero, I say I love you not!
At this, in sheer despair and
I turned to sorcery, Oh Knight,
Think how cruel was my plight!
By magic wiles, a pray to madness
Her heart I sought to set alight.
Deep in the murk of leafy forests
Over books of witchcraft did I pore,
And for a hermit's cave,
the pleasures
Of life for countless years
Oh hero, I say I love you not!
Oh hero, I say I love you not!
Then came the day of victory.
To her cold heart I held the key.
Full of feverish elation
And joy, I spoke the incantation.
Adored Naina, mine you art!
Fill you the void within my heart.
Oh horror!
Naina, your beauty!
Can this really be you?
Ah say, is it wrath of the gods
That made such ruin of you?
Ah say, was it long in the past
I abandoned the world and my joy?
Was it long?
Half a century.
My age is now seventy, my boy.
But what's the use of us lamenting?
The passing of youth is no lack.
'Tis true my steps now are halting.
I'm grey, and have a hump on my
Less spritely I am, and less spry
To lead the heroes' hearts awry.
But then this do I freely confess:
I am now a practised sorceress.
You too are old, my chosen mate,
But passion sometimes does come
I swear it by the gods above,
My heart but now is ripe for love.
For you and your embrace I hunger.
I burn with love, I am aflame.
Whatjoy, what rapture, and what
Come to Naina, she's yours to claim!
You insulting dog!
I was at peace, now my peace has
You won Naina's love,
And you did her deny.
Despised is she, slighted, banished.
All men are traitors, rogues and
Alas, the blame is mostly thine.
You thief of hearts, you traitor
I'll be revenged for my shame and
The witch loves evil far too well.
To do you harm she will endeavor.
And yet your doubts I'd dispel,
For grief and pain are not forever.
Farewell, Ruslan, sorrow mends
with time!
Farewell, and heed these counsels
of mine!
Where is he, my chosen, my love?
Find solace, dear Princess fair!
Your suffering is all in vain!
These lushy gardens will ease your
To grieve anymore one must not dare.
A captive, from my lover torn, why
Should I not end it all and die?
Oh, villain, you who me torment
Yet humor me, such is your whim
But I... I scorn you and contempt.
I'll take my death, sorrowful and
Руслан и Людмила Руслан и Людмила

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