group... I don't want to tell them. If you need me to take the guilt on this one, fine, okay? I accept it gladly. It's mine. At the end of this week, they can have whatever they want. I'll turn over patent rights on everything from the last two years. They can have the equipment, the garage, the house. They can have my truck if that makes you feel better. But I am not telling them a thing about this. We're not. God, everything is so different in there. You can feel how cut off you are. It's this entirely separate world and you encompass most of it. And the sound. Isn't the sound different on the inside? It's like it's singing. I guess you can't hear it on the outside... - I had this dream in there. - About what? I was on or near the ocean, and I just kept hearing the surf. It was so uneventful. At night. And the tide kept coming in and out. Come here for a second, man. What's on your hand? - Are you bleeding? - That is blood. - Turn around. - You see it? Where is it coming from? It's your notebook. - It's you. My gosh, it's on your ear. - What is this? - Your ear's bleeding. Man. - Give me that. I got it. - Is that normal? This isn't normal. - For the machine? For people. You think it's the machine? I got it. Great. I can actually get some work done today. Hi, guys, what's going on? I always seem to get a lot more done when I'm not locked out. He says they had to spray again. But he can't tell us about it in advance. Is Hero even here? You never see anything around here but those geckos. - I know. - I think it's for the geckos. - What? - Why? - Hey, man, thanks for the present. - How is that working out for you? You know what? You guys, both of you, you make fun, but there is a difference. Wait. What did you call him? - What? - When you walked in? What did you say? - He didn't tell you about it? - No. All right. Rachel's ex-boyfriend walks into my birthday party with a shotgun. - What? - Swear to God. I've already gotten that speech from Kara. - Filby! - You'll get it. You have a wife and kid. It's funny how you two are the only people that have a problem with it. - Everybody else thinks I did a good thing. - You didn't. You can't risk your life and especially the welfare of Kara and Lauren... for someone like Rachel. She practically begs for this to happen to her. I figured at least you'd understand. Understand what? You've never been like this. That's what I mean. You see how different things are now. Different? How are things different? You see it, okay? I know you do. Look, that was the night... you had told me everything about the machine. Everything you showed me was so fresh in my head and when I saw this guy... I'm looking at him. I wasn't going to let him do that. I wasn't going to let him scare people like that. I know it was stupid, okay? But I mean, this whole idea, this whole thing that we're doing. It just took some getting used to for me. I wasn't completely acclimated to it. If it was just you, you had to worry about, I'd still think you're stupid. But you have a family now, and God, especially now... anything like this would be crazy. - I know, okay. - I know you know that, but you've got to... - I know, okay? - Filby! You little sack of... Even if you see him, don't tell me. It's not my fault if I don't know, and I just hope the thing runs away. Then what are we doing out here? She worries about the cat. So you look for the cat. It's what you do. - I don't know. - What do you mean? It's embarrassing that the storage room guy sees us come in together... but he never sees us leave. Yeah, but what do you think the receptionist thinks... about two guys that come and get a room for six hours every day? Did you unplug this? You brought your cell phone? Can I check the caller ID? Yeah, we're not back. Yeah, but you can't take it back with you, okay? This is Aaron. Hey, babe. I'm not
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чайковский на английском - текст Хорнблауэр: Лягушатники и Раки на английском - текст 200-пудовая красотка на английском - текст Александр маленький на английском - текст Снежная королева на английском |