. cancer or male impotence. But what is your opinion on how safe this thing is? I can imagine no way in which this thing would be... considered anywhere remotely close to safe. All I know is I spent six hours in there and I'm still alive. You still want to do it? I set the alarm on my stopwatch for six hours. I regulated the O2 tank, took some Dramamine, and tried to sleep. Did you? - What? - Did you sleep? Not at first. I've never considered myself claustrophobic... but I started sweating and I couldn't find the right flow rate on the tank... and I was breathing differently than I was when I was testing it on the outside. Eventually, I settled down, and... I don't know, maybe it was the Dramamine kicking in, but I remember this moment... in the dark with the reverberation of the machine. It was maybe the most content I've ever been. I woke up on my own without the alarm... and waited for the machine to cool down. Cool down from my perspective. It got to a point where it sounded safe to get out... but the stopwatch still showed a couple minutes... so I trusted the math and waited. That's not a static shock, Abe. Okay, please stop it. You got out too soon. You have to wait for the stopwatch so that you know the gain is low enough. So, we're back here? Yeah, we're here. It's 8:50, Tuesday morning. All right. Give me a few minutes. From there it was easy. The bulk of the work was done. I just left everything the way I found it. I left the machine alone... and didn't turn it off, and just cleared out of there. So your double would find everything the same later that day and get in the box? Right, but also, I or my double or someone was in the box coming backwards. So who knows what that would've done if I'd turned the machine off. Definitely. So, they're one-time use only. So then, at that moment, since my double was on the way to the hotel in my car... I had to take a taxi home. But when we go, we'll be able to use your truck. - You have a margin account, right? - Yeah. I do now. What are we buying? Good. Today, before 12:30, we'll buy as many shares as we can of RGWU. They'll say their earnings that quarter are three and a half times consensus... and the stock will nearly double in afternoon trading. - What do they do? - What do you mean? What does this company do? Do they make things or... I don't know. All that matters is the price goes up. The volume is so high that the number of shares we trade won't affect the price. You really don't know what they do? That's why you spoke about a mid-cap fund, so volume is high enough to hide us. - Do you think it's too cautious? - I don't know. I know there's a lot of other stocks out there... that do a lot more than double, but this is my first day. - My God. - She's not going to answer. I know, Abe. That's the question. I know, so what's the answer? You've got the $400 billion... you've gone the charity route, you have this perfect 100-room mansion... with matching his and her yachts and helicopter pads. Basically, you have absolute impunity to do whatever you want... nobody can touch you. - You're back from a two-year... - Above the law. Absolutely, well above. You're fresh back from this two-year world-galloping vacation. How do you fill your day? What do you do? Abe, I know that's the question, but it's not a real question, so why does it matter? So what's the answer? Babe, he knows that's the question, okay? He's asking you the question. What do you mean? What would I do with my life or what would I do tomorrow? My God, either. I'd have to do something constructive. I'd have to do something that would help... - something
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