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But in Abe's mind
he was already compiling the list.
Two mg of oral triazolam...
every seven hours induces a safe sleep state
and a minimal metabolic rate.
At this continued state of rest...
the human body breathes
0.3 liters of oxygen a minute...
or roughly 2,000 liters in four days.
A Class E oxygen tank holds 625 liters.
To maintain hydration...
the body cycles through a minimum
of two-and-a-half liters of water per day.
Any food would be a luxury...
but the small tank
of medical grade nitrous oxide...
would be needed on the other side.
Past the room that contained their machines
and up two levels...
he made his way to another room...
where he had stored what I will refer to
from here on as the Failsafe Machine.
There he is.
I've been calling you all morning.
Your cell and work.
I'm not there.
I don't even know what.
I'm just tired.
I hope you're not implying
that any day is unimportant at Cortex Semi.
I was going to come give you
this big speech about how we've been...
friends for a long time and built up trust,
that whole thing.
But how about this instead?
If you ditch work this afternoon and promise
to do the few small things I ask you...
I will in return show you
the most important thing...
that any living organism has ever witnessed.
At this point
there would have been some discussion.
Abe would, of course, want to know how.
Aaron would have to explain
all about the storage manifest...
and how it showed two rooms
under the name Abram Terger.
Then Abe would need to know how.
Aaron would explain
that when he went up there...
and found the Failsafe running...
he knew exactly what it was.
But Abe would ask how.
And then the bit
about the modular design of the coffins...
and how it meant he could fold one up
and take it back inside another.
They are not one-time use only.
They are recyclable, Aaron would say.
How, Abe would ask.
And Aaron would describe
how simple things become...
when you know precisely
what someone will have for breakfast...
even in a world of tamper-proof lids.
And that's where
I would have entered the story.
Or exited, depending on your reference.
Because when Aaron came back
the second time, it wasn't so easy.
He wasn't expecting me to put up a fight.
And by that time,
he was too exhausted to take me.
But for reasons
that are only evident to me now...
I understood that he simply wanted it more.
That he just had more invested. So I left.
He had already performed the task,
as I had intended to...
of recording the conversations of the day
just in case.
Through that earpiece
he had a three-second lead on the world.
Aaron, you need some sleep.
Some real sleep.
I can't. I've got a schedule.
He had but to speak aloud the words
that came into his head...
and those around him would fall in line.
This is Track 3.
Abe is bringing my car around
and I am on my way to the court.
I'll see Will there.
I'll invite him to the party and make sure
he's bringing Rachel's boyfriend.
You pretentious prick.
What the hell is that?
Is that your cell phone?
- No, it's a radio, man.
- You look like Secret Service.
- You look like Secret Service.
- Ariel meeting is moved to Wednesday.
What? What the hell
am I hanging around here for?
Yeah, I know. Sorry.
Nice shot, Aaron.
Brick. That is ugly, Aaron.
We could have used that
last week against TI.
At least you've got your golf game.
I see you've been practicing.
You come out here with your $3 tie
and think you can play whiteball.
What are you doing tonight?
I was supposed to be in Raleigh.
Thanks to you I missed my flight.
- You know Robert?
- Yeah.
He's got a birthday tonight.
Why don't you come out?
- I'm just going to hang out with my cousin.
- Bring him. Rachel will be there.
- Big reunion.
- Exactly.
I don't think I'm doing this.
Why not?
Because I can think of a million
different ways that this can happen...
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- текст Город мастеров на английском
- текст Чёрная роза - эмблема печали, красная роза - эмблема любви на английском
- текст Чародеи на английском
- текст Книга мастеров на английском
- текст Рэмбо 2 на английском

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