orange on someone who has a blue undertone... which would be the pink, or cool, family... then their face will get real pale... or they'll look real tired... or they'll get a lot of ruddiness come out on their face. So l like to put what l think is the wrong color on you first... then l can compare it to the right color. That way it will really improve how you look. What usually happens is what l'm seeing happen to her. She gets jaundice when you put orange on her. She turns yellow, looks a little bit sickly. You might not even see it that much now, but let's compare it to the pink. l get a small commission on every account. Join up and find out. lt's good! Three months after we attended Janet's Amway meeting... she phoned in a panic and asked that we come back... as she'd made a terribIe mistake. l've very recently learned that l am not an autumn. l was color-analyzed by someone in the lMS line... who are the people who taught me to do colors. l've discovered that l am another season. lt's a warm season, like autumn, but it's spring instead. The colors that l wear are basically the same color family... but they're lighter and brighter. lt's really a shock to me, because l am out there... color-analyzing women all the time. Little did l know... that l was not the season that l was telling people l was. I feIt sorry for Janet. So, to cheer her up, I Iet her do my coIors. As it turned out, we were the same season. There were other ways to survive in FIint. Taco BeII was one. The IocaI Taco BeII was retraining Iaid-off auto workers... to assembIe tacos and chicken fajitas. The IocaI paper said this wouId be their dream job. When I stopped by to see how they were doing... the manager toId me why aII the ex-GM workers had been fired. Many of them say this is a lot of hard work... because assembly work is easy. lt depends on what you make it. At Taco Bell, every day's a new day. Every time you turn around, it's a different chaIIenge. -Taco Light. -One Taco Light. -Would you like Cinnamon Crispas? -Yeah, you make it sound so good. Dining here today? Fast food is one of the most stressfuI environments... because of the demands on you. Fast food demands a fast pace... because we want to present a food item... within so many seconds, if we can do it. The transaction from assembly work and the fast pace at Taco Bell.... Some of them just couldn't develop that speed. There's a number of small manufacturing companies that have done very well. One l like to look at is Helmac Co. Are you familiar with them? They invented a lint roller. Now they ship lint rollers all over the world... and have a very profitable, nice business operating. Maybe there's a.... -There's all kinds of opportunities-- -Tom, wait a minute. Lint roIIers? That's the soIution to an auto industry-- That's an exampIe. A giant auto industry that had its birthpIace here in FIint? Lint roIIers wiII puII us out of this depression? There's as much opportunity here... as when Billy Durant started the motor company on Water Street. Maybe more opportunities. -You believe that? -Yes, l do. Absolutely. l saw the sign down on the street... that said you're selling rabbits and bunnies here? -For sale? -You want pets or meat? Pets or meat? Meaning l can buy the bunnies to have as a pet... or l can buy them for.... Meat. They're already dressed and cleaned. l butcher the babies when they are four or five months old. That's good. lf you butcher the older ones, like these guys... then they're stewers. They're not fryers. A lot of people like fryers better than they do the stewers. -That makes sense. -So l keep my personal stock. When my babies get four or five months old, and l have 15 to 20 babies... you've got to get rid of them some way. lf they don't sell as pets, you got to get rid of them as meat. Them guys are all meat. -See, they start doing this to ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Фарфоровая луна на английском - текст Конец Вечности на английском - текст Женя, Женечка и Катюша на английском - текст Идеальное убийство на английском - текст Сибириада на английском |