thinking, ''What a horrible song... ''to have to hear in the midst of this panic attack.'' A song that l'd usually get a groove going with. l'm trying to sing the lyrics, and l've got an apple in my throat. l'm trying to rationalize with those lyrics... trying to think, ''Wouldn't it be nice?'' And it just wasn't working. Some disturbing news today from the Genesee County HeaIth Department. It announced the rat popuIation in FIint... has now surpassed the human popuIation by 50,000. HeaIth officiaIs say it's due to massive numbers of peopIe Ieaving... and the city cutting back to twice-monthIy garbage coIIection... due to budget constraints. Just when things were Iooking bIeak, RonaId Reagan arrived in FIint... and took a dozen unempIoyed workers out for a pizza. He toId them he had a great idea. If they tried it, they'd aII be working again. He suggested that maybe some of us... could find better jobs elsewhere... like in Texas, or in the southern states. That's when l spoke up... because l have a son, a home. l'm trying to do it by myself. l can't just pull up stakes and take off by myself. We don't hold public office, we're nobody special... but he wanted our opinions and views. lt was at a level l could understand, and l liked his ideas... that he voiced to us. None of Reagan's Iuncheon guests got back into the factory in Iater years. The onIy bright spot of the whoIe affair... was the individuaI who borrowed the restaurant's cash register... on the way out the door. MeanwhiIe, FIint's more fortunate were hoIding their annuaI Great Gatsby Party... at the home of one of GM's founding famiIies. To show they weren't totaIIy insensitive to the pIight of others... they hired IocaI peopIe to be human statues at the party. What's it like in Flint these days? Things are tough here for the people that are laid off. There's still people working. l don't think it's as bad as people may believe. We started something, and we're gonna finish it. -We're gonna be the leaders. -What did we start? We started the industrial revolution... an art form that's never been created in the history of mankind. -What was that industrial revolution? -The cars. Steel. lt took off from there. We invented the wheel again. We're off again and running. What advice do you have for those having a rough go of it? Get up in the morning and go do something. Start yourself. Get your own motor going. There's things to do out there. l don't think it's fair to pick on the negative things and publicize them... and not pick up any of the good aspects about Flint. What are some of those good aspects? -The ballet. Your kids were involved in it. -Ballet. Hockey. lt's a great place to live. Sheriff's department. Anybody home? Hello? I had found one man in FIint with a secure job.' sheriff's deputy Fred Ross. l treat a person the way l would like to be treated. You know, l explain to them that l got a job to do. The court issued the order, not me. lf you can make peace with your landlord, good. lf you can't, you've got a problem. l've put out some good people. You have a lot of people in this town paying $800 to $900 a month house note. That's a lot of money to try to pay on unemployment. Some of these people don't want to leave... especially older people. Some of them have retired from the shop. Taxes catch a lot of them, too. So if things go down, they close up some plants here... this town is gonna be a rough place. I continued my search for Roger. I scoured the neighborhoods of Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Woods... Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park... Grosse Pointe Shores, and BIoomfieId HiIIs. I tried in vain to Iocate his house... but the name Smith was a common one among these peopIe. I then read that Roger was going to be at the Grosse Pointe Yacht CIub. I decided to drop in on the affair. l haven't seen him. -You haven't seen him here yet? - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вертихвостки на английском - текст Марафонец на английском - текст Молчаливое бегство на английском - текст У неё будет ребёнок на английском - текст Остаться в живых (Затерянные) - Сезон 1 на английском |