each human being... the more fuIIy human each of us wiII become. He's got his money! l showed you the paper! All l owe that man is $150. Now let me close with an observation... that l consider by a real leading authority on Christmas: Charles Dickens. Here's what he said: ''l have always thought of Christmas... ''as a good time...'' Get your goddamn coats on! ''...a kind, forgiving, charitabIe, pIeasant time... '' Set my shit out, and l done paid the bitch! l only owed the bitch $150, and l was going to give it to her stinking ass. ''...the onIy time I know of, in the Iong caIendar of the year... ''when men and women seem by one consent... ''to open their hearts freeIy. ''And therefore... ''though it has never put a scrap of goId or siIver in my pocket... ''I beIieve that it has done me good... ''and will do me good. ''And l say, God bless it! '' Mr. Dickens, l couldn't agree more. So l say, ''God bless Christmas, and God bless all of you.'' Thank you for coming. Thank you, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, we came from Flint... where we filmed a family being evicted from their home... the day before Christmas Eve. A family that worked in your factory. Would you be willing to come with us to see the situation in Flint? l've been to Flint, and l'm sorry for them, but l don't know anything about it. Families being evicted on Christmas Eve-- General Motors didn't evict them. -Talk to the landlord-- -They used to work for GM. -Now they don't work there anymore. -l'm sorry, but.... -Could you come to Flint? -No, l cannot. l'm sorry. What's Christmas going to be like for you this year? l get a couple of days off. That's the good part. l get a chance to rest. But come Tuesday morning, l'll be back. I faiIed to bring Roger to FIint. As we neared the end of the 20th century... the rich were richer, the poor poorer... and peopIe everywhere had a Iot Iess Iint... thanks to the Iint roIIers made in my hometown. It was truIy the dawn of a new era. lf you're espousing a philosophy, which apparently you are... that the corporation owes employees... cradle-to-the-grave security, l don't think that can be accomplished... under a free enterprise system. Many of us are proud to be here... and it will continue to be a good place to live and raise a family... and have a good place to work. -Where are you going? -l am going to Tel Aviv. Why? Maybe someday l'll be the Ministress of Tourism. l mowed the lawn with my shirt off, made my back stiff. My wife asked me to mow the lawn with my pants off next time. l'm planning on going back to school in January... for veterinary assistance, and also for dog grooming... 'cause there's a lot of animals that need taking care of. lt's great to have you guys here. lt's been fun having you around. You see all the craziness that goes on. lf you decide to go for it, you'll make it. English ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе на английском - текст Новый мир на английском - текст Токийские сумерки на английском - текст Бермудский треугольник на английском - текст Кровавый четверг на английском |