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Роджер и я

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re not. You're not getting
on one of those elevators.
-Why's that?
-You're not going without an appointment.
Can we go up
and try making an appointment?
l need Tony or Denise.
-The reason to talk to Roger Smith?
-Michael Moore.
No, what's your reason
for seeing Roger Smith?
-Excuse me. l need to see you.
-We're making a film....
I quickIy sized up the situation.'
three guards in the booth,
pIus the one with the corsage...
a dozen security cameras...
and four new cars with infIated
sticker prices parked in the Iobby.
If I made a run for it to Roger's office,
what's the worst that couId happen?
Before I couId fuIIy expIore
the consequences of such an action...
my escorts to the 14th fIoor finaIIy arrived.
Mr. Smith is not in at the present time.
We'd be happy to take your request under
advisement, as with all appointments.
l've been told that before. l've called,
written, and l've been here before.
-Have you written?
-Yes, l've written.
-To whom?
-To Roger Smith...
General Motors building,
Grand Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
John, how about we have a letter
sent to your office?
Why don't you send a letter to us...
and we will be happy to,
as l say, take it under advisement...
just as we do all requests
to see the chairman.
lt's just that l've been waiting for a year
to get this.
lt's been under advisement for a long time.
What l'd like to do
is just go up to the 14th floor...
and set up an appointment
with his secretary.
That would be impossible.
ObviousIy, I was getting
the big bIowoff once again.
MeanwhiIe, things weren't getting better
back in FIint.
More jobs had been eIiminated.
The city had become
the unempIoyment capitaI of the country.
The visits from the stars
and the creation of new jobs...
had faiIed to puII FIint
out of its depression.
Just when it appeared
that aII hope was Iost...
the city fathers came up
with one Iast great idea.
You don't usually think of
tourist attraction when you think of Flint...
but people here in Flint
would like to change that.
And they're willing to go
to some pretty extreme lengths.
FIint officiaIs wouId Iike to see
the IocaI tourist economy expIode.
FIint's Convention and Tourism
Bureau president...
says visitors shouId take advantage
of FIint's convenient Iocation.
Millions of travelers pass by our doorstep.
Now, with this active
and aggressive promotion...
we'll be able to draw them into our city
and experience what we have to offer.
As part of the pIan
to attract tourism and conventions...
the city spent $13 miIIion in tax funds
to buiId a Hyatt Regency HoteI.
AIthough most peopIe in FIint were now
too poor to afford a room at the Hyatt...
the hoteI aIIowed the pubIic
on opening day...
to come and ride the city's onIy escaIator.
We put a luxury hotel
in the heart of our city...
just like other cities
with their luxury hotels...
with everything from the fountains
and high ceiIings...
the atrium Iobby, to the Iarge windows,
the Iarge pIants.
The quality is there...
what you would find
in Chicago, or Atlanta, or San Francisco.
We've got some great facilities,
as far as places to stay...
interesting places to see, museums....
And it's a nice community to visit.
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Roberts.
They're two of the thousands of peopIe...
who decide to spend some time
at Genesee County each year.
There's the sign. We're almost there.
l can hardly wait to see some of the places
in the brochures.
Let's pull off and fill up first.
-You from out of town?
-Yeah, we're on vacation.
Welcome to Flint. You staying here?
Yeah, we are. Lots to do?
Sure, there's lots of attractions here.
Have you seen Crossroads Village?
See how a IittIe hospitaIity, right
from the start, reaIIy makes a difference?
Suggesting things to see and do
buiIds our own image...
and it creates
positive word-of-mouth endorsements...
the most inexpensive, yet most vaIuabIe
type of advertising there is.
Роджер и я Роджер и я

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