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be, you know,
girls mature much sooner.
- So then...
I'd be the baby's
mother and grandmother?.
- Realise what you are saying?.
Yes, sorry.
Forget I said it.
Sorry, I just...
It was just the first thing
that came to mind.
I'm sorry.
One of your friends.
They could give you one?.
This is crazy talk.
You're obsessed!
Alright, okay...
You just don't want
to have my baby, that's it-
Thanks for coming.
I couldn't talk at home.
You have to understand,
the situation is complicated.
My mother, she's so damn-
No, I don't want...
- You don't want one?.
No, thanks.
It's like I said-
I've been
thinking things over.
And I understand
how you feel.
I can change.
I know I've made promises
but this time it's for real.
I'll change, I swear I will.
- Yes, but it doesn't-
I promise. Things will get
so much better.
No, it's-
- Much better.
I love you.
I love you.
- Hi.
Come on in.
Come in.
I found a bottle
of red wine.
Do you want a glass?.
- No thanks, I'm driving.
Well, what's up?.
Have you been here
for two months Einar?.
That sounds about right,
two months.
It's a pretty long time.
- It's no home.
You've got to get
some help, Einar.
Staying here
like some fool.
We're all worried
about you.
Maybe I'm worried
about you.
Maybe you need
to get some help?.
No, please...
I admit
I have my faults.
But so do you.
I am...
These are the papers.
Einar, you need to sign them.
I'm thinking...
it would be best
if I'd decide this.
I... I don't think this is
something you really want
and that you're doing it
out of pure stubbornness.
Einar, you don't function
in a normal household.
That's just bullshit
and you know it.
Don't drag up this crap.
Not here, not to me.
Are you sure you don't want
a glass of wine?. We can talk-
- No thanks.
It would be good if you
would give me a moment.
Just have a seat,
and a glass of wine.
I will set you straight
within thirty minutes.
Well, the papers
are on the table...
I'll have someone
fetch them for me.
Don't be this way.
Halla, please stop!
Please don't do this!
Don't leave me.
I'm hopeless
without you.
I understand you want a child.
All women do.
It's the mothers's instinct.
I don't want
you to be sad.
I really don't.
You're strong and look nice.
It's like you said, you can
get any woman you want.
You have money
and a fantastic apartment-
Blow me.
Can I get you anything?.
- Sorry?.
Can I bring you
Sparkling water.
Blow me!
Or, should I
ask you mother to do it?.
Piece of shit!
So, Mr. Shit...
I think it's time
you went to bed.
Let's talk a bit.
I'm off to bed.
- Erna!
Talk to me.
We have to
communicate more.
I need to
tell you things...
From back in the days...
You're absolutely right!
- This is excellent
- I'll drink by myself,
Here you go.
- Hello.
Do you have an appointment?.
- No, just looking for my mom.
What's her name?.
Katrin Rose.
She's your mom?.
- Yes.
I haven't seen her
all day.
Hey champ?.
What's your name?.
- Baldur.
When did you last see her?.
- Last night.
Last night?.
Were you up late?.
No, I just woke up
when she was leaving.
You don't know
where she was going?.
Maybe she went
on a short trip?.
She had a suitcase.
Do you have an uncle or
an aunt in the countryside?.
Maybe she's visiting family?.
Could that be the case?.
Then she would have
told me.
Yes. It's weird.
Are you feeling sad?.
- No. What's that?.
It's a kind of a...
Shall I show you?.
Have a seat.
Do you go to a dentist?.
- Yes.
Have you seen one of these?.
- Yes.
Know what it is?.
- No.
It's a...
It takes x-rays.
And afterwards...
I see the pictures
up there.
Then I can show the patients
how their teeth look.
I could also
show them movies.
If I had any.
But I don't.
What school do
Родители Родители

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- текст Великий Зигфилд на английском
- текст Преданный садовник на английском
- текст Королество кривых зеркал на английском

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