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Родина ждёт

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him there.
Are you done?
No one can find him.
l hope we can.
l'd brake the rules too.
Many of them.
l knew that.
What about the guys?
l have a connection.
May he rest in peace.
Don't drink if you don't want to.
lt's a tradition. l must.
Someone made it up that during
commemoration one must drink.
We can do it in another way.
You can do some exercises instead.
You must be strong.
Drinks won't help.
l'll have to sleep.
Excuse me, Lieutenant.
What time is it?
You've slept for 30 minutes.
Go on sleeping.
What have you seen?
The post.
He's going to drink coffee.
At the second time.
lf he has a third time?
And a fifth and a tenth?
We're working on that.
Postgraduate, it's Mastermind.
Do you hear me? Over.
l hearyou.
We couldn't do that.
l can guess what happened.
l have three attempts.
No, one.
Marshansky called porter
and asked forthe object.
The object refused to answer.
Didn't work out.
Would you answer?
Neither did he.
By the way,
l forgot to congratulate with your start.
Thank you.
What for?
lt was not just a task to do.
You've saved my life.
lf you hadn't been in time,
l would've been dead already.
We've achieved the end.
The fish swallowed the bait.
l'm gonna be a Sheibani's bodyguard.
l want to eat.
l have some coffee,
Do you want anything?
Have no appetite.
That's better.
How's ourfriend doing?
Still there.
lt seems you'll have to
spend the night here.
l know one old method.
How to break away with tails.
l'll show you later.
lt's not a good time now.
Postgraduate, it's Mastermind.
Do you hear me? Over.
Postgraduate, it's Mastermind.
Do you hear me? Over.
Mastermind, it's Godzilla.
How are you there?
We have one more here.
He's hanging about the gates.
They are relieving the guard.
My parents thought they
had been protecting me.
l had many friends that time.
My fatherthought
wealth attracts self-interest.
And when l was 15
l found myself without friends.
l couldn't adapt to reality.
l even afraid to go
to the bathroom in my own flat.
l was afraid of darkness.
And people too.
And life too.
l was so scared
that l wanted to die.
ln private life
l was more than just helpless.
l couldn't manage to do simple things.
l couldn't iron.
lrons broke in my hands.
But l new three languages.
English, German and French.
My mother always told me,
"A language is a way to communicate".
l had
a good relationship with languages,
and a bad one with my parents.
l saw an ad once.
"We'll teach you self-defense".
l said why not.
Maybe it wouldn't be so scary
to go through dark streets.
l started with self-defense and finished
with self-examination and self-education.
l understood,
l have to obtain masculine qualities.
To gain psychological muscles.
Then there was a university.
Oriental studies department.
l've got lots of friends there.
A real life has started.
Studying, parachuting, diving.
Afirst big love.
l came to life.
By the fourth year
l became an absolute leader.
And then an intelligence school.
l had to work on myself
to become a different person.
l hope you are still a woman.
Are you sleeping?
No, l'm listening.
l answered, now it's yourturn.
But be frank.
Why did you,
a candidate of science to-be,
graduated philologist
became an intelligence officer?
Because it's the only
profession, when the government pays.
All the bills.
Good morning.
They are changing again.
You don't spare yourself.
Save the energy.
you were saying different things.
And when do you do exercises?
When l'm in the mood.
How do you kip yourfit?
Nature takes care of it.
What do you mean?
l mean l don't have to do exercises.
l have everything.
You are a vain boaster.
Yeah, l am.
lt's time.
Put on the shirt, take your bag
and be ready to go out.
What? Now?
You wanted to know my old method.
lt's an early morning.
Nobody's out.
The right time.
Родина ждёт Родина ждёт

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- текст Король Лир на английском

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