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Республика ШКИД

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and wake him up.
Ofenbah, stand up!
Stand up, Ofenbah!
Okay, what time is it?
Five past ten.
- Well, I stand up.
Move it! Move it!
When I studied in military school,
I caused Kuzmich to go deaf.
When he was awaking me,
I hit right upon his ear!
Upon his ear-drum!
How ingeniously!
If you are not at the table in 5 minutes,
you'll have your breakfast at supper!
Listen, what's going on to him?
Is he offended?
Oh, I am...
- Hungry?
- Yes.
Goga! You've been appointed
person on duty! Bring!
Just a minute!
Not enough salt!
Just a minute, kiddy, just a minute...
Eat, kiddies!
Kiddies, where are you?
Give me some.
The prog is enough for a
hundred of paunches!
Finish your breakfast and make...
Where are they?
Meftahutdin! Who has...
Why you didn't detain them?
Bandits! You see...
they snatched out the keys!
And they tossed it to that tree!
They've got the keys!
Penetrating guys!
Where from the firewood? Hey?
It looks like it's from forest...
The fathers are sawing...
And I will take it for heating!
What a frau! O dear!
Would you like to have these lovely,
not much used boots?
Allow me!
Wow! You have cooked
the scum for all the Europe!
Oh, kiddies!
Oh, oh, oh!
Well, today is not
the best day we could have.
The roses are yet to come.
And roses can't exist without the thorns.
Well, don't cry, don't cry!
A teacher is a fighter above all!
Stop that, stop that!
How could you become so spoiled
in the face of the foster children?
How do you look like?
What a hair-do! Tidy youself up!
It's all your fault! You allowed
them to get out of hand! You!
Calm down! A prim young lady!
- Oh!
- Take it easy!
Our stallion is neighing!
A sacristan's voice!
Half-assed Shalyapin! Ha!
You chewed it!
And this fellow is bawling!
Let's have a talk with him!
Stand up!
Ha-ha-ha! Rhinos!
Stand up!
Move it!
If you're late for breakfast...
you'll have it at supper!
Vilmgentel, free gunner!
Dirty guys are not admitted
to the breakfast!
The next one!
- This way!
- The next one!
Here he is!
- What has happened to them
today? -Back your hands!
A roll-call!
Gromonostsev! Gromonostsev is absent.
- Delay his helping.
- I'm here!
- Japaridze!
- I'm here!
- Chernikh!
- I'm here!
- Kosorov!
- I'm here!
- Yonin!
- I'm here!
I'm here!
- Golubkov!
I'm here!
- Pilnikov!
- I'm here!
Start eating!
From this day everything
will be in another, organized way.
Guys, we start the new life.
We won't be waiting
for the new school year!
The lessons will start after the
breakfast, from morning till night!
You all are the pupils of the school
Of individual upbringing,
named in honour of Dostoevsky.
- SCID! - What?
What did you say?
SCID! Shortly, in a Soviet way...
SChool In honour of Dostoevsky.
Yes. Are you Gromonostsev?
Depending on the level
of your knowledge,
You are divided into 4 companies
like in the army.
Now I'm going to introduce
the teaching staff.
My name is
Victor Nikolaevich Sorokin.
Gromonostsev! The first
remark is the last one!
My deputy... teacher of German.
Ella Andreevna Lumberg.
- EIAnLum!
Get out! Stand up!!
You'll have your breakfast at supper!
A teacher of history... Al Nik... well,
Alexander Nikolaevich Popov.
Chernikh! The first remark.
A teacher of gymnastics.
Wow! A hefty chap!
A knacker from the slaughter-house!
A beefcake!
Konstantin Alexandrovich Mednikov!
Chernikh, you'll have your breakfast at supper!
But what have I done?
What have I done?
Don't be naughty!
Change your clothes! Be quick!
Oh, kiddies!
My name is Amalia Skuratova.
- AmaSku!
American Skunk!
No, the underwear is not American.
It's our, domestic, from institute.
What do you give out?
Hey, American skunk!
Let's establish the order!
Old woman! Give us the trousers!
Just a minute, kiddy...
- We go to city!
- What?
- We go to city!!
- But
Республика ШКИД Республика ШКИД

Читайте также:
- текст Покаяние на английском
- текст Вся королевская рать на английском
- текст Хорнблауэр: Бунт на английском
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись на английском
- текст Аленький цветочек на английском

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