have seen the murder of Benton. No charges were filed for lack of evidence. They disappeared, too. If the Company can't get anything on Grove, then you know he's good. All I can promise is terror for breakfast... pressure for lunch, and aggravation for sleep. Your vacations will be two minutes when you're not looking over your shoulder. If you live to draw a pension, it'll be a miracle. Are there any disadvantages? Hell, I'm lucky I've lasted this long. Tell me something, MacCleary. - Can you dodge bullets? - Nowadays, only if they come real slow. Do I really have to live with him? Chiun's probably not crazy about the idea either. He says you smell like hamburgers. Top floor. See you. MacCleary. If this turns out to be another set up, you won't live to collect a pension. I personally guarantee it. Didn't I tell you, we don't use that bang-bang stuff. Your mind and your body become your weapon. That's what your new pal Chiun is going to teach you. Okay, so you caught me with a couple of lucky shots. But I got to hand it to you, that bullet-dodging number wasn't bad. I like the little thing you did with the gun. You move like a pregnant yak. Sit. - Breathe. - Breathe? - Come on, you got to... - Silence! The fool chatters but it is the wise man that listens. Breathe. Wait, is this the kind of training where we sit around for 10 years... and you tell me I'm big enough to break a brick with my big toe? You have come into the care of Chiun... Master of Sinanju. Sinanju is a village in Korea... where all the fighting arts were born. Kung fu, karate... ninjitsu. They are all but shadows. Sinanju is the sun. Most intelligent people know this already. But it is apparent to me that you know less than nothing. Pay attention. You did not ask to be white, so perhaps that is not your fault. You did not ask to be here. Perhaps that is not your fault, either. So let us make this pact. I will train you for your first service. And then, I will return to my country. Pressure. Nerve ends. Sinanju. Technique developed since the birth of time... by the most gifted race on Earth. You always talk like a Chinese fortune cookie? Chinese! The Korean is the most perfect creature... ever to sanctify the earth with the imprint of his foot. Now we will breathe. Breathe out... slowly. Do not gulp. If you do not breathe correctly, you do not move correctly. Pitiful. I can see the deadly hamburger has done its evil work. We must sweat the poison from your body... and rebuild from the inside. Now, we will proceed to lesson number two. Follow, please. What are you waiting for? Applause? Midtown. 44th Street. You are afraid. Fear is nothing more than a feeling. You feel hot, you feel hungry, you feel angry, you feel afraid. Fear can never kill you. Purge your mind of fear and believe in yourself. Without that belief, I can do nothing with you. Now we will do it again. But faster. Grove High Altitude Reconnaissance Probe. Program originally projected. ; $758 million. Final assembly of prototype. ; $986 million. Estimated cost at time of commission. ; $1.22 billion. These figures are in 1983 dollars. The Prototype... Currently, our friend Grove is playing the D.C. charity circuit. Big donor. He's also big with the Star Wars crowd. And he ought to be. Half of them are on his payroll. He's good. Real good. No more Boy Scouts. Yes, George. This is interesting. Someone's trying to enter a circuit I had marked for special surveillance. I wonder who the intruder is. - What's the matter? - I can't get what I'm looking for. I hate to hear you say that. Why should the HARP D.B.A. Cost-62 be restricted? Maybe you've got cold hands. Allow me. See? Do I sense frustration? I'll bet you've had a lot of experience ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Как ни крути – проиграешь на английском - текст Franz+Полина на английском - текст Дама с собачкой на английском - текст Дни затмения на английском - текст Самолётом, поездом и автомобилем на английском |