Hey, Souchak! Hell of a column today! Today you've gone too far. What do you mean? Stuff that good could get an innocent person killed. Ah, I'm not that innocent. Don't let the dimple fool you. Me! An innocent person like me! Hey. Hey. i an I get you a chair? Mr. Souchak, would you be offended if, uh, I asked you to buy your papers at O'Leary's for a while? I'll pay for 'em. Hiya, Souchak. Great piece, baby. It's about time you said that about me, Agatha. See ya. This is the agenda for the Buildings committee meeting on Friday. Yablonowitz has his f ngers in items two and four. Please. What for? Ah, it's crazy, Mr. Hellinger. Every day I get hot stories, the paper gets circulation, chicago gets wiser, you keep getting older. It's not only crazy, it's un-American. Satisfaction. I get that. Yeah, well, you're a good man, Mr. Hellinger. ust don't run for president. Hey. i Okay, spider-Man. come up here with me, Dad. Down. You'd never get me up on one of those. I get vertigo just standing on my toes. Really? i, ve been that way since I was his age. Hey. Why don't you get on my shoulders? Then you can get up there. Really? Nah. I haven't got the height. Home, James. 30. I'll be there. sixteen refers to clause 9B of the trucking deregulations bill? That is correct, Alderman. 9B and, in view of which, gentlemen, the contract renewal, which is under this subcommittee, s consideration is, at this time, for the leasing of specialized equipment, therefore not subject to competitive bidding. Uh, I accordingly should like to recommend approval of contract 44-KG, city of hicago ordinance P-17, to Metro Machine Tools, Incorporated. Now, as to the matter of the queries raised by the Sherman committee, item number one had to do with their tax-exemption claim. And item two, the political principle... that a ity Hall connection exists... with Metro, s attorneys-at-law. so... after due consideration, we feel satisfied that all three queries are inapplicable. i, therefore, would like to accordingly call for a vote on renewal of the Metro contract. All in favor? Unanimous. My granddaughter gave me a pocket calculator for christmas. I still don't get a chance to use it. Yeah? Right. Metro. sun-Times. i Souchak does it again! sun-Times. i Shit. He's done it again. The son of a bitch has done it again! Every goddamn day, five editions a day. i Me, my wife, and now the Metro deal! Metro deal? Shit. Don't you see it? Look. Right here. Yeah, there it is! Right here. "Today's dirt. Dirt of the day." esus! Okay, enough. Listen, fellas. I'd appreciate it if you'd f nd out who's dishing it to 'im, okay? You got it. Say, you got a match, mister? Sure. Hell, have the whole book. Move, man! Hey, man. I've seen this one before. You're what's-his-name. That's right. No shit. He is. You're okay, man. Yeah, man. You wrote some good shit about our neighborhood. Drexel Park. Right. I'm sorry about this, but give me your wallet. Right. You guys the Rasta Devils? Right again. Now give me that watch. What happened to Gilmore? Heard he got bounced from the Heathens. He was dipping in the treasury. Norton had to cut him. He just cut him. Oh. That means everything north of 55th Street is up for grabs. What about the block association? This is interesting. What's your name? I'm Franklyn. That's with a "Y." Franklyn curt. Man, you crazy? Hey, man! What you tryin' to pull, man? Oh, shit. The man. i Let, s get out. i Man, I didn't even open it. Why don't you stall 'em? Five minutes. How am I gonna know when it's f ve minutes? My watch! That, s all right. They didn, t take anything. Aren't you Ernie Souchak? That's right. I thought I recognized you. Great piece today. That's what Alderman Yablonowitz said to tell you. Great piece. You lost your badge. Right. Huh? Giving me one lousy cigarette doesn't give you the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя! на английском - текст Железный человек на английском - текст Предместье на английском - текст За двумя зайцами на английском - текст Большой автобус на английском |