moon above the pine trees What a tragedy of Hototogisu Very good! You sing it well It was great Weren't you a professional? Oh, no Very well done, wonderful You embarrass me It's true. Better than fortune telling Isn't there secondhand peep-show gear for sale? That's right, we haven't seen one for a long time A meeting like tonight I can have it every night Good-night Good-night Good-night Good-night, I had fun Tashiro, do that again soon Well, good-bye Good-bye Are you still up? Go to bed, go on Afraid of wetting the bed so you can't sleep? If you do it again, I'll throw you out Remember that, alright? Yes Then go to sleep, I'll wake you up during the night Good-night, grandma Auntie Auntie, good-night Your father's really hardhearted A carpenter nowadays can find a job anywhere To feed a kid won't take much After all, that's your own child Raising you this far why desert you like this? Your mother died long ago Your father's a good-for-nothing You sure are a poor kid what will you do from now? Fast asleep already? A kid is a kid. Hello! Come in and sit down Where've you been? The teacher's place. Grinding wheat? Yes. What was rationed at your place this tome? Flour When was that? Yesterday, white flour Ah, before I forget My mother wants a pampas grass brush I run out of them now She needs it to clean her false teeth I'll keep one next time Hello. Welcome. A very nice day Hello. Are you finished with the steaming I asked you? Well, no Day after tomorrow? Well, no He's a good dyer, but he takes ages Everything's, wait till next year That's not true I'll hurry up, 3 or 4 days Alright, do a good job Yes, sure. At 1:00 PM you get candles and matches Tomorrow will be flour I see, thanks for last night Well, excuse me Good-bye Have some I have something nice I got it at teacher's Take it This is precious, just like the old days It must be expensive And it's delicious The man who sold me a mirror Has he a rubber hose to sell? Oh, the man there Would you ask him? Sure, but it won't be cheap I have no idea how much it is But the mirror he sold me I made a nice dresser I see What's this? I am in a mess Whose child? He's homeless, who knows if he got lost. Or was deserted Don't you need a boy? Not me, I need a rubber hose Do you know anyone who'll take this boy? I've put him up for 2 nights now Come here, son Don't give it to him, it's too good Don't say that He won't appreciate it, it's expensive Come here, son What do you have there? Cigarette butts What're you doing with them? I give them to Dad What do you have in your pocket? Empty it I say empty it Nails Filthy kid. Now, go away! What's his father do? Carpenter. His house in Hachioji was destroyed That's why he picks up nails Even a cold-hearted father to him it's his only father Time has changed When we were little, we kept getting coins from father To buy candy and stuff There was nothing to worry about in the whole world That's right Okiku, you were good at blowing your nose like this Your sleeve always shone from snot Tane, you used to do this Children nowadays don't do that they're different Yes, I think times are harder for them They worry too much about living picking up butts. And nails, we shouldn't let them do it It's not right for kids That's right, kids should be more carefree. Well, I must be going Don't forget the hose I'll ask him Here you are. Good-bye Good-bye What did she give you? 10 Yen You should say thank you if someone gives you something Come here, son Come over here With that 10 Yen go and buy a lottery ticket You'll win money, I'm sure you will You're more or less pure minded go and buy one You know where they sell them? Yes Go, and win 2,000 Yen Don't stop to count the money on the way back Yes You work hard This is nothing. Easy job I don't call it work It's like killing time with ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст В огне брода нет на английском - текст Говорящая голова на английском - текст Чебурашка на английском - текст Город мастеров на английском - текст Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон на английском |