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What about the transfer?
Who knows?
What if he goes?
Good riddance
But he wants to stay in Tokyo
Maybe so
After finaIIy finding someone eIse
I said, just to make him mad
Good for you. Good psychoIogy
But reaIIy?
WouIdn't Iike it
J ust Iike me
That's right. I remember
If a husband starts coming home Iate
the wife had better watch out
Got to be carefuI
Better not go home any more
I won't
He phoned here today
How did he find out?
Asked my mother maybe
What did you said?
I hung up at once
That's the way
Teach him a good Iesson
You mustn't spoiI him
That was my big mistake
You know, about the second time
Was there one before?
He died so there wasn't a third
Don't go home too earIy
The voice of experience
Sugiyama here?
come in
Packing aIready?
I'm Ieaving Monday
And you wife?
At her mother's
I heard from MuIIet
He came Iast night
What happened?
I'm going to a quiet pIace to
think things over
I mean with your wife
We argued
That's no good. ShaII I go get her?
No need
Fishting's bad
Of course, I argue too
aIways fighting
I just want to heIp you
I won't be needing them
None of them?
Say, Sugi...
Wife of a friend of mine got pregnant
They can't support a chiId
Very sad case
What shouId they do?
In your case...
How was it?
How'd you feeI at the time?
Not particuIarIy happy about it
Is that how it was?
Matter of fact, it's me and my wife
I'm not happy. J ust confused
No need to be confused
We're too poor
Oh, you'II manage somehow
I feIt Iike you do
But you'II soon Iove the chiId
When ours got sick and died
I just couIdn't stop crying
Is that the way it is?
We've never had another
Consider yourseIf Iucky
What'II it be Iike?
No one can teII that
A statesman maybe, or a phiIosopher
No use worrying about that now
As the chiId grows up
You'II be proud and happy
I'd better weIcome it then
But I just wondered, if I took my wife
to the embankment
Had her jump off there
WiII the baby be aII right?
Can't guarantee yours. Mine was
Then mine's OK
I'd want a strons one, anyway
Good afternoon
It's GoIdfish
GoIdfish? Come on in
Oh, are you here?
I got to go. Got this probIem
It's secret yet
I'II be going, Sugi
About the fareweII party
Don't bother
You come too
You're going away
You didn't teII me
Why haven't teII me
Did you pIan to Ieave secretIy?
I meant to teII you
You're Iying. You wanted to
run away from me
That's not so
I'd have toId you
It's the truth
I wanted to apoIogize
Why? There'sno reason to apoIogize
J ust say it was a mistake
But don't just run away
I'm not running away
You are. That other night too
I know you're Ieaving me
I'm not trying to force you to Iike me
But just be more honest
You can't fooI me
Here's the money
Thank you
WeIcome, good night
Has Masako come home?
No, not yet
She hasn't come home yet?
I'm Ieaving Monday
WiII you Iook after things?
Yes, of course
Masako puzzIes me
Koichi, wiII you go and see?
Never mind. I'II go myseIf
That'II be much better
WaIk sIowIy
What is it?
Your sister hasn't gone home
Sugiyama came to get her
That's not wise
It'II make her feeI reaIIy wanted
He just can't sit by
He's going away Monday
What's wrong?
This and that. He's handsome
Your father acted worse
Caroused with friends
on our wedding night
What did you do?
Thought that's the way men are
After aII it's a man's worId
You're oId-fashioned, Mother
OId or new, men never change
Did you meet Sugiyama?
He was going to your pIace
Your underskirt's showing
Keep your mind on other things
What happen
I needed my things
Not this
What do you pIan to do? He's Ieaving
About time you went home
It's fooIish to be so jeaIous
Yes, you are
Sending him off aIone?
You'd better go home
I won't
He's going away
WeII, Iet him?
Marriage isn't Iike that
I know he feeIs he was wrong
Meet him haIfway. Don't make it
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- текст Анна Карамазофф на английском

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