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Пять вечеров

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for the night.
Empty the jar.
And who is that?
- Katya.
- Katya?
What brings you here?
I just came.
And what were you doing there?
Dusting the suitcase.
- Put it back.
- Shall I bring the garbage back?
Slava, what's up?
- Put the flowers back.
- As you please.
Empty the jar,
I need to take it back to the store.
We decided to celebrate.
- To celebrate what?
- Our meeting.
First, I don't see any point
in celebrating our meeting.
And, secondly, you're just a tenant
here, so stop ordering in our house.
And I won't let you
make a drunkard of the boy.
You've had your education,
and he still has to study and study.
Slava, hold it, please.
Take the jar to the store.
All the rest goes to the garbage.
I'll cover the cost of the tablecloth
and the dishes.
You're just something, Toma.
The man has spent money.
Did you see what there was in there?
Jam, wine, champagne.
The money must come easy to him.
Don't you worry,
I'm not a miser.
It's not that we roll in money,
but we make do.
Slava, there must be a bottle of
"Lydia" in the cupboard. Get it.
I wish we had a tablecloth, but
never mind, we can sit without it
There's an occasion for it, too. Our
shop was the 2nd in the competition.
Let's celebrate it.
- What's your name?
- Yekaterina.
Give me a hand, Yekaterina.
Let's move the table to the sofa.
And bring the chairs.
We'll dance tonight.
I haven't danced for ages.
What's the big hit now?
Dancing in style?
I don't know modern dances.
All right, Slava...
Get everything from the fridge:
cheese, butter, sausage.
Katya, go to the cupboard,
there're new wine glasses there.
Let's celebrate.
What about him...
No, not these glasses.
The new ones are in the back.
And hurry.
We got some salad left. Great!
You got everything. Good boy.
Hold it.
That's quite a feast.
I don't drink.
Nobody's going to get drunk.
We'll just drink
to our second place.
What a wonderful wine.
Why is it called Lydia? Do you know?
Why? The music is playing,
and we're sitting.
White dance.
Ladies invite gentlemen.
Get up, Slava.
Come on, Katya.
Do it for me.
Those lips just maddening,
Thoughts in secret kept,
And this stupid love
On my reckless head.
Those lips remember everything,
They read every secret thought.
How much, you don't even know,
Are you breaking my heart!
I will call a pigeon,
A pigeon nice and smart,
I will send my darling a letter,
We'll begin from the very start.
Oh, how awful it would've been
if I had married someone.
Evening Three
Toma, remember this place?
- This?
- Yes, this one.
Of course I remember.
Remember for how much time
we stood watch here?
Like some crazies.
Remember how
I kissed you for the first time?
I nearly dropped my bag then.
- You did drop it.
- Did I?
- Yes, you did.
- I don't remember that.
Toma, don't you remember
dropping your bag?
Come on, Toma.
- What?
- You dropped your bag.
Don't you remember?
Wait, Toma!
What's the matter?
Did I hurt you?
Give me a kiss.
I can't.
Tell me, I'll understand.
Why, Toma?
I'll understand.
Hello, Tamara Vasilyevna.
Hello, Vasily Fedotovich.
Good afternoon.
You've got beautiful hands.
Just regular hands.
You've got beautiful eyes.
Just regular eyes.
And a very nice complexion.
There's no one at home.
A meeting again!
Talking and talking!
Can't they ever stop talking?
I was riding in a tram today, suddenly
I hear, "Have a seat, ma'am."
I turn and see
that he's addressing me.
Yes, time flies.
With every year, it flies even faster.
My life, was it that I only
dreamed you?
Youth is a devious thing:
it promises, and then cheats.
It didn't cheat on me. I've always
knew I'd be happy.
Well, it's not easy to push me
off the globe, either.
I knew you were going
to achieve a lot.
Manager of production!
I got only 80 gluers under me
and you have the whole plant.
- Do the workers like you?
- I never asked them.
It's impossible
Пять вечеров Пять вечеров

Читайте также:
- текст Тарас Бульба на английском
- текст Этой ночи жена на английском
- текст Письма мёртвого человека на английском
- текст Обитаемый остров на английском
- текст Золушка на английском

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