Why did they bring us here? For examination or what? Hey boys, look. Who's this? Comrade officer, you may go. - You're what! - Doctor! Hey guys, he's a doctor! Undress! Here it is, undress!! And pants, do we take them off? You're a doctor, aren't you? Okay, that's enough! Come on boys, get dressed! Get dressed, cheer up! - Here it is now, get dressed!! - Come here! - First undress, now get dressed!! - Come here. Come on. Come on, cheer up, get dressed. Sit down! Undress then get dressed! Look here, boys! You're just sitting here, spoiling the air! You don't want to go to an orphanage, do you? No! Right, right! You're good guys! What's there for you in an orphanage? And sitting here is such a bore. A real bore! And, oh boys, it's so good to be free right now! So! Here's the deal! A secret one! I'm setting up a factory - a commune in an ex-monastery. Join me. Who wants to come? As volunteers. We'll all work together. Woodworker, locksmith, shoemaker, mechanic, as you wish! And you'll run the commune yourselves. How's that? Complete trust! And you'll be free. Who wants to? Speak up! We know your communes! You'll pen us in a fucking dump! You'll put cops everywhere. What will you feed us? Thin broth? We'll be in prison getting on the cops' nerves! Go to hell! THE COMMUNE'S ORGANIZER SERGEEV: Nikolay Batalov Chew it over. As you wish. You can leave when you want. Okay. We'll go to your commune. You persuaded us, doctor! Effendi, good-bye! THE BOYS AGREED TO GO TO THE COMMUNE, ONLY SO THEY MIGHT ESCAPE ON THE WAY. WILL THERE BE MANY GUARDS? Come out! - Hello, comrade Sergeev. - Hi! - Your pass. - Good. WILL THE ESCAPE SUCCEED? Well, boys, come on! Come on! What's the problem, boys? Where is the guard? There won't be any. You're on your honour. Come on! WILL THEY RUN AWAY? OR NOT? RUN AWAY OR NOT? RUN AWAY? OR NOT? AT THE STATION SOMETHING BAFFLING HAPPENS... MUSTAFA THE THIEF IS ENTRUSTED WITH MONEY IN ORDER TO BUY FOOD FOR THE ROAD. Come on! RUN AWAY? OR NOT? Come in! GONE... GONE... Mustafa's here! Skilful fingers don't cheat. - That's great! - Well done, Mustafa! Well, Mustafa- May it be the last time! FIFTY KILOMETERS FROM THE RAILWAY... THE COMMUNE FACTORY Think of this as a loan from the governement. You'll work it off. Comrades! A telegram from Sergeev's commune. Mishka, more hot water NOT ONE OF THE ELEVEN RAN AWAY Vaska, rub my back EXPERIMENT SUCCESSFUL -SERGEEV Boys, I will now cut out the last for boots. This way! Here's the last! Well who wants to cut one? Come on! Have a try, we'll see! Mustafa, keep your end up! AND SO BEGAN THE TRANSFORMATION OF PICKPOCKETS, PURSE-SNATCHERS, BURGLARS, HOUSEBREAKERS AND THIEVES INTO LOCKSMITHS, TURNERS, FOUNDERS AND CASTERS. BUT THIEVES' SKILLS USEFUL TO THIS WORK WERE NOT EASILY FORGOTTEN. Mishka! Someone swiped the spoons! Really?! Yes. - Sit down, quick. - Faster, find a seat! - Ginger, here! - Everyone has to gobble up! - Give us some spoons! - Where are the spoons?! - Hey intendent, give us spoons! Give me a spoon, give me a blade, So good is my babe! Somebody swiped all the knives, forks and spoons. If we don't find them, their cost will be deducted from your pay. A spoon! It's hot! Who stole the spoons?! Give yourself up, Mishka! I won't be no pig! It's Grishka Cross-eyed who swiped them. I know that son of a bitch! Snuffy's eating and you're blowing! See what good fellows live among us?! I want spoons with my dinner! We won't cover up for anybody. We'll find them! AND IN THE EVENING... How much is this toy? Fish, golden fish! FOMKA SHARK'S NEW ASSISTANT. THE STREET BOYS' NEW ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ковбои в городе на английском - текст Водительские права на английском - текст Токийская ночлежка на английском - текст Зеркало на английском - текст Вооружён и опасен на английском |