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something to me?
Well, is it?
They're all crowding in on you,
Mr. Harding.
They're all ganging up on you.
Is that news?
They sometimes want to gang up
on me, too, but l--
Cheswick, do me a favor.
Take it easy.
-And stay off my side.
-But I only want to....
I only want to help you.
-I understand.
-But don't you want me to--
-But I only want to--
-But I only want to help you.
You see...
...the other day you made some allusions,
both of you.
-Yes, allusions.
Not illusions. Allusions...
...to sexual problems
I might be having with my wife.
Let's say it's true! Let's say
I know it's true, but you don't!
If that's your idea of trying
to tell me something--
You know, Harding, I think you're
some kind of morbid asshole!
-"Peculiar! "
-"Asshole" again.
It makes you feel "peculiar."
You've talked about your wife
ever since I can remember!
You know, she's on your mind,
and blah, blah....
I'm not talking about my wife!
When will you get that
through your thick head?
When are you going to wise up
and turn her loose?
-I don't want to hear it!
-I'm tired.
-I don't want to hear it!
I'm tired.
I don't want to hear it.
I don't want to hear it.
It's a lot of baloney and I'm tired.
I don't want to hear it!
We know you're tired. We're all tired.
-I'm tired and it's a lot of baloney.
-You're not tired, Bancini.
Take your hands off me!
Recreation time, gentlemen.
The bus is waiting.
All nonrestricted patients
please report to the bus.
Ever play this game, Chief?.
Come on, I'll show you.
Old lndian game.
It's called "put the ball in the hole."
Now, that ought to be just....
Hold it right there.
All right.
Now, that's your spot. Don't move.
Never move. That's your spot,
you understand?
Right there. You don't move. Now...
...take the ball.
Here, take the ball.
That's it. Hold on to it.
Not too hard, Chief.
You'll crush all the air out of it.
We're gonna put her in the basket.
You understand?
All right. Now, raise up your arms.
Raise the ball up in the air, Chief.
Raise it up.
What the hell are you talking to him for?
He can't hear a fucking thing.
I ain't talking to him.
I'm talking to myself. It helps me think.
Yeah, well, it don't help him none.
Well, it don't hurt him, either, does it?
Don't hurt you, does it, Chief?.
See? Don't hurt him.
All right, now, Chief.
Let's raise our hands up in the air.
Just raise them up.
Up, you understand?
Raise the hands up, here.
Up. Raise your hands up.
Up! That's it! That's it!
Up, all the way up.
All the way up. That's a baby, all right.
Okay, now....
Now, jump up in the air,
and put it in the basket, Chief.
Jump up and dunk it in!
Jump up in the air and stuff
that son of a bitch in there, Chief.
Take a rest, Chief.
Just stay right there.
Take a rest. I'll be right back.
Bancini, come here for a minute.
You're looking all right.
Get right over here for a second.
Now, just stand right there.
Just get down a little bit.
All right. Stand up.
Stand up. Go ahead.
That's a baby! All right, you got it.
All right. Now, over there.
Hit me, Chief! I got the moves!
I got them, Chief!
Hold it right there. Give me the ball.
Give me the ball. That's it.
Thank you, Chief.
...hold it right there.
You take the ball, you jump up,
and put it in the basket.
See what I mean? Put it....
Bancini, hold still.
All right, Chief, here. Take the ball.
Now, jump up and put it
in the basket, Chief!
Jump up and put it in the basket!
Not you, Bancini.
Raise up! Bancini, where you going?
I'm tired!
Fast break! Defense! Get back!
Come on, Bancini,
where the fuck you going at?
General, get this man around here.
That's it, back!
Over to Chief.
Fast break! Fast break! Hit me, Chief!
Hit me, baby!
Put it in the basket, Chief!
Put it in the basket!
All right.
Make the bets.
What's this?
Make the bets.
It's a dime, Martini.
I bet a nickel.
Пролетая над гнездом кукушки Пролетая над гнездом кукушки

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