to move his right arm. - Holmes! You need help? - I'd appreciate that. What's going on, doctor? - Would you care to explain? - Hi there, Lestrade. But... - Mr. Holmes? - At your service. I'm glad to see you back in London. I thought you might need a bit of help here. There has to be an explanation. Everyone thinks you are among the dead, but as I can see, that is total nonsense. Three unsolved murder cases in one year is a bit too much. Yes, Mr. Holmes. I... Still I'll manage myself. Allow me to introduce Colonel Sebastian Moran, a retired officer of Her Majesty's colonial troops and the best tiger hunter in all our Eastern colonies. Artful devil! You have surprised me, Colonel Moran. How could you be tricked by such a primitive ruse? How many times did you have to tie a goat to a tree and wait for the tiger to come and get the bait? Whether you do have grounds for my arrest or not, I refuse to tolerate humiliation. If I am in the hands of the law, let events take their legal turn. Yes, Mr. Holmes, that is only just. Very well, gentlemen. Mister Holmes! Don't forget to take the gun, Lestrade. Its an air-gun. It's silent and amazingly powerful. With this gun Colonel Moran shot poor Ronald Adair. From the second-floor window of house 427 on Park Lane. And, mind you, the gun shoots with revolver bullets. See for yourself. I knew the German, Von Heubber, a blind mechanical engineer, who made this weapon to the order of Moriarty. But I see it for the first time. By the way, what charges do you intend to bring against him? Attempted murder. Oh no, I wouldn't want my name to be mentioned in connection with this case. And the name of doctor Watson too, for that matter. You suspected him of the murder of poor Ronald Adair. It's a good thing you finally solved this most dangerous crime A most dangerous one! Congratulations, Lestrade! Congratulations, Inspector! Let's go, Watson. Ruined a good thing. That was a splendid portrait! The nerves of the old hunter are still strong, and the eye as sure as ever. Busted my brains out. He was the most skillful hunter in the Indian jungle! Colonel Moran! A soft revolver bullet. Look at this, Watson. Who would think that this bullet was fired from a silent air-gun? Yes, I saw one just like that. I'm still waiting to hear the story of your miraculous resurrection and of how you traced Moran. It's precisely because of Moran that I couldn't resurrect sooner. He and Moriarty followed us to Switzerland. This tragic spectacle was very well thought out. Every actor appeared on the stage at the right moment. When you left for the hotel, my friend, I no longer doubted, that the letter was a trap and that in a matter of minutes my opponent professor Moriarty would show himself. I decided to examine the place of the possible duel, and found that right below the precipice there was a ledge big enough to hold only one person. I'd told you about Moriarty's love for cheap effects. I was fairly sure he wasn't going to shoot me from around the corner, but will go for a dramatic spectacle. Moriarty was an expert in Boritsu wrestling, and my chances of winning would have been practically nil, if I hadn't at one time mastered it myself. I'm at your service, Professor! Before we start sorting out matters between us, I'd like you to give me a minute to write a note to my friends. For neither of us knows the outcome of this encounter. We don't have much time, but very well. I saw proof of my suppositions. In Moriarty's eyes I read the inexorable determination to do away with me. However I appreciated his noble gesture. He was kind enough to write the note that you later read. How did you know I read it? I saw it with my own eyes. - You saw it? - Yes, at the Falls. But all in due time. Moriarty was dragging me to the edge of the rumbling abyss. He was
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