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Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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until this case is solved.
- My books!
- I'm sorry.
- Leave it, get away!
- As you wish.
It won't be the same without
Those lanky idiots would never
have dared to
barge into a private home in
the middle of the night!
You mustn't lose heart,
doctor Watson.
Think of your friend,
read his letter once again.
I can't.
How can I read his letter,
if I failed to implement his
last orders?
I've destroyed Adair and
gotten myself into trouble.
Oh, Mrs. Hudson!
I'll go make you
some coffee.
Thank you, Mrs. Hudson.
I can see, you are not very
happy with my coming here.
- How did you get here?
- The door wasn't locked, sir.
I followed you here.
I wanted to thank you.
Believe me, I am a very
grateful man,
and I thank you for
helping me.
That was nothing really.
Sir, allow me to offer you
some books.
"The Holy War".
"Birds of Great Britain"
in 3 volumes.
Good day.
- Your coffee, doctor.
- Thank you.
Hello, Watson!
Hello, my friend!
I'm alive! Get up,
my friend.
Holmes, they want to
arrest me.
I know. I read this
morning's "Times".
You are the prime suspect.
My dear Mrs. Hudson!
It's me. I'm alive.
You're not a ghost.
It really is you.
Where have you been
so long?
My god!
It was a long time!
We missed you terribly!
Come on, Holmes!
Stop it!
Let's be happy today!
I am happy.
Forgive me, my friends.
I came to London a month ago.
I stayed with Mycroft.
But the circumstances
didn't allow me...
I can see, things haven't
changed much!
I still don't believe
my eyes.
Well, tell us!
Tell us everything, or we will
both go out of our minds.
Forgive me, my dear Watson.
And you, Mrs. Hudson.
Several times I was on the verge
of writing to you
but each time I restrained
I was afraid that your
affection for me
might cause a blunder
on your part.
Something that would
give me away.
But this bandit saw you,
Mr. Holmes.
Very well!
The death of poor Ronald
has hastened the fulfillment
of my plans.
We have serious work to
do tonight.
You too, Mrs. Hudson.
In that case I'll go and
cook a festive dinner.
Oh, no-no!
We will have the festive
dinner tomorrow night.
And tonight you must do exactly
what my brother Mycroft says.
And you, Watson,
have to go to inspector Lestrade
right away and tell him,
that you possess fresh evidence
regarding the case.
He will ask you:
What kind of evidence?
Answer him,
that he has to send a police
detail to Baker Street.
Those have to be
senior officers.
No! Better - people from
Scotland Yard!
They have to disperse around
the neighborhood,
so that it would not
be too obvious.
The signal will be a
police whistle.
- What is the plan?
- Later.
After the visit to Lestrade
you dine somewhere in Soho,
spend a few hours at
the National Gallery,
then have a cup of tea on
Regent Street, and at 7
I'll be waiting for you on the
corner of Cavendish Square.
Got it.
But please don't disguise
yourself as Padre.
The soutane doesn't
become you.
Would the gentleman
care for a ride?
Unpleasant weather,
isn't it, sir?
I should have gotten used
to your masquerades,
but every time you trick
me like a child.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
- Baker St!
- Yes.
We're in Camden's house, across
the street from our own house.
I'll leave you for a second,
have to check the front door.
Ingenious, isn't it?
What is it?
A work of art.
Performed by sculptor
Menier from Grenoble.
It took him 2 weeks to
make this wax figure.
What for?
So they would think that I'm
at home. Whereas I'm here.
Have you forgotten they're
watching our house?
Who is?
A charming bunch, whose
leader's body is resting at the
bottom of the Reichenbach Falls.
- He's alive.
- Naturally.
Now crawl closer and
grab the stick.
I'm doing my best, sir.
But be careful.
They shouldn't see you from
outside the window.
- Like this, sir?
- That's right.
And now, Mrs. Hudson, try
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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