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Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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rhubarb soup.
Splendid, Mrs. Hudson.
Ronald! Son!
Dinner's ready.
Ronald! Everyone's
waiting for you.
Are you sure, sir Ronald
is in his room?
He was there just a
moment ago.
Look around the house.
He's nowhere around.
Ronald! Open the door!
Where's Virgil?
Try to unlock it.
- Oh, my god!
- Calm down, m'lady.
I never thought that after the
death of Sherlock Holmes
I would ever visit this
house again.
Hello, Inspector.
What happened?
Doctor Watson, I would kindly
ask you to get dressed.
- The matter is urgent.
- Would you care to explain?
A month ago, when we met at
The Lowther Arcade
you hinted that Sir Ronald's
life was in danger.
What's with Adair?
He's dead.
He was shot, and I've come here
for some explanations.
Gregson, go get Mr. Murray.
Do you remember this
who talked to you at
the club Bagatelle?
Yes. It is Dr. Watson.
What was he asking you about?
I was looking for Count
Ronald Adair.
That's right, I was
looking for him.
But I didn't find him.
Of which I regret
deeply now.
Thank you, Mr. Murray.
Dr. Watson, it's a good thing
you don't deny that.
It's equally good that you,
don't deny the fact
that a month ago I already
warned you about the danger
that threatened Sir
- That was a false maneuver!
- False?
One moment!
On the very day when you and
Holmes left for the continent,
I got in touch with Colonel
Moran and found out,
that all your hints were
You told Moran about what
I said?
You know very well, doctor,
that crime prevention is
our sacred cause.
I deny any participation of
Moran in this case because...
Because right now he is on a
journey across Africa.
But there is one more peculiar
circumstance, doctor.
You recognize him?
He's the man.
This is yours, father.
As the suspect in this
I'd like to see the scene
of the crime.
How was he murdered?
He was shot with a gun.
Here's the bullet.
It went right through.
9 caliber.
In cases like this one my
friend Sherlock Holmes...
Forget about Holmes!
We'll solve this case
without him.
To my deep regret, we will have
to do without him this time.
My friend Sherlock Holmes
would say:
Look for the motive.
Tell me, if you please,
why did the young man have to
lock the door on the inside?
That means it must have been
the murderer!
But then, how did the
killer leave the room?
Through the window?
There are no tracks on the
windowsill and under the window.
I've checked.
Most likely, Adair himself
locked the door.
After the murderer had left.
Wait a minute.
How could he have locked
the door, when he was dead?
Supposing he fired the shot
through the window.
But the distance is much
too long.
I've checked.
He was hanging in the air.
He had wings.
And the main thing that
puzzles me,
is that no one in the street
and inside the house
has heard the shot!
It can't be that they're all
deaf, can it?
And that makes you conclude
that I am the murderer?
I locked the door
on the inside,
I shot at him, hanging
in mid air.
I don't insist on that.
But you were the last person
to have seen Adair.
And you were the first to
mention his name to me.
I exclude the possibility
of a suicide.
The gun was not found.
Adair lived a cloudless life.
He had no enemies!
- Except for one!
- Exactly.
Dear doctor Watson!
Perhaps you would care to tell
us who that is?
If I remember correctly,
the description of one of
the murderers of Milverton
strongly resembled yours.
What is that?
Have a look.
That's a roster of Adair's
card debts.
Some time ago I told you the
name of the man,
who could...
Moran? That's out of
the question!
He is in Africa. And I checked
that too.
Tell me, why the masquerade
with the soutane?
That has nothing to do
with this.
I have all the grounds
to arrest you.
But in view of our long
I will make a concession.
I ask you not to leave London
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

Читайте также:
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная Схватка на английском
- текст Патруль времени на английском
- текст Шинель на английском
- текст Золотой мальчик на английском
- текст Слетая с катушек на английском

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