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Главная / Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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that I can deliver society
from all the inconveniences
cause by this man.
But I'm afraid that will be
accomplished at a cost, that
will disappoint my friends and
especially you, my dear Watson.
However I've already said,
that my life has reached
its highest peak,
and I couldn't wish of a better
death for myself.
Prior to leaving England I've
written down all instructions
regarding my property
and possessions..."
No! Never!
I will never rent this
apartment to anyone.
Let all the things stay
where they are.
This place will be the
museum Of a great man.
"Will you please give
my warmest regards to our
kindest Mrs. Hudson..."
Every time you read these
lines to me,
it breaks my heart.
"And don't forget about
poor Ronald Adair.
Yours truly.
Sherlock Holmes."
Mrs. Hudson.
Sooner or later we will
have to enter his room.
But we don't have the
relevant instructions.
I think Mr. Holmes probably
forgot to give them.
- Forgot?
- Well, maybe not...
More likely he had no time
for that.
The assignment that Holmes
gave me in his last letter
forces me to enter his room.
What do you say to that,
Mrs. Hudson?
I think, most likely poor
Mr. Holmes didn't have a chance
to give you written
34, Red, Evens.
Make your bets, gentlemen.
All bets made.
12, Black, Odd.
This will be our last
Rubber, gentlemen.
I'm afraid I have to go.
A very important dinner
My mother has come home
from Australia.
Tonight we are receiving
Dr. Nikoten,
who will examine her.
6 of Spades.
It's very important to treat the
doctor to a good turtle soup.
We will be having asparagus
The doctor is a Frenchman?
Then for the second course it
will be a horseflesh steak?
Wrong. Wild duck.
- 6 of Clubs.
- Pass.
Mind your teeth, you may bite
on small shot.
Or worse, a bullet!
Make your bets,
Make your bets.
All bets placed.
I lost, gentlemen.
A revenge?
Winnings corrupt the soul.
Besides, I'm in a hurry.
Think of it as your
becoming more expensive
by 5 pounds.
A good doctor is worth it.
All the best, gentlemen.
Pardon me, sir.
The Colonel asked to remind
you once again,
that you owe him 420 pounds.
Tell the Colonel,
that I have returned the money
to the gentlemen who lost,
because it was not fair play.
That's impossible.
The Colonel has moved to the
Write to him yourself.
There's the address.
But it'd be best for you...
if you took my advice
and wired the money.
If you don't stop your
I, as Board member, shall
raise the question
of his expulsion from
the club,
and then inform the press
that not only is he a cheat,
but also a blackmailer.
Take my advice!
Good evening, doctor
What's this masquerade
all about?
Italian Padre with a red
English moustache!
I'd say that's something
Mr. Murray, have you seen
sir Ronald?
Our young friend has just left.
Oh, but you didn't answer me!
- Take me to 427 Park Lane,
fast! - As you say, father.
Whoa, old mate Meadows!
Good evening, sir.
Good evening, Judy.
- Is Mrs. Minus in? - Your
mother is in the dining room.
And miss Adair?
They're all there.
The guests are arriving.
- What about Dr. Nikoten?
- He's not here yet.
We were faster than
the wind, father.
Let's get out of here,
Good evening, doctor.
We've been expecting you.
How may I help you, sir?
I'd like to know if sir Ronald
Adair is at home please?
Yes, he is.
Please come in.
Thank you, but I'll drop
by some other time.
There's smoke in the room from
the fire-place. Open the window.
Don't catch cold.
Has anyone asked for me,
Mrs. Hudson?
Only your old patient
with rheumatism.
He said he will come back
- Anyone else?
- No one.
Are you expecting anyone,
Dr. Watson?
- What are we having for lunch,
Mrs. Hudson? - Your favorite.
- Lamb saddle, I presume?
- Your guess is correct.
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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