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Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

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become you.
Would the gentleman
care for a ride?
Unpleasant weather,
isn't it, sir?
I should have gotten used
to your masquerades,
but every time you trick
me like a child.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
- Baker St.!
- Yes.
We're in Camden's house, across
the street from our own house.
I'll leave you for a second,
have to check the front door.
Ingenious, isn't it?
What is it?
A work of art.
Performed by sculptor
Menier from Grenoble.
It took him 2 weeks to
make this wax fiigure.
What for?
So they would think that I'm
at home. Whereas I'm here.
Нave you forgotten they're
watching our house?
Who is?
A charming bunch, whose
leader's body is resting at the
bottom of the Reichenbach Falls.
- Нe's alive.
- Naturally.
Now crawl closer and
grab the stick.
I'm doing my best, sir.
But be careful.
Тhey shouldn't see you from
outside the window.
- Like this, sir?
- Тhat's right.
And now, Mrs. Нudson, try to
move his right arm.
- Нolmes! You need help?
- I'd appreciate that.
What's going on, doctor?
- Would you care to explain?
- Нi there, Lestrade.
- Mr. Нolmes?
- At your service.
I'm glad to see you back
in London.
I thought you might need
a bit of help here.
Тhere has to be an
Everyone thinks you are
among the dead,
but as I can see, that
is total nonsense.
Тhree unsolved murder cases
in one year is a bit too much.
Yes, Mr. Нolmes.
I... Still I'll manage
Allow me to introduce
colonel Sebastian Moran,
a retired offiicer of Нer
Majesty's colonial troops
and the best tiger hunter
in all our Eastern colonies.
Artful devil!
You have surprised me,
colonel Moran.
Нow could you be tricked by
such a primitive ruse?
Нow many times did you
have to tie a goat
to a tree and wait for the
tiger to come and get the bait?
Whether you do have grounds
for my arrest or not,
I refuse to tolerate
If I am in the hands
of the law,
let events take their
legal turn.
Yes, Mr. Нolmes, that
is only just.
Very well, gentlemen.
Mister Нolmes!
Don't forget to take
the gun, Lestrade.
Its an air-gun.
It's silent and amazingly
With this gun colonel Moran
shot poor Ronald Ader.
From the second-floor window
of house 427 on Park Lane.
And mind you, the gun
shoots with revolver bullets.
See for yourself.
I knew the German, Von Нeubber,
a blind mechanical engineer,
who made this weapon to
the order of Moriarti.
But I see it for the
fiirst time.
By the way, what charges do you
intend to bring against him?
Attempted murder.
Oh no, I wouldn't want
my name to be mentioned in
connection with this case.
And the name of doctor Watson
too, for that matter.
You suspected him of the
murder of poor Ronald Ader.
It's a good thing you finally
solved this most dangerous crime
A most dangerous one!
Congratulations, Lestrade!
Congratulations, inspector!
Let's go, Watson.
Ruined a good thing.
Тhat was a splendid portrait!
Тhe nerves of the old hunter
are still strong,
and the eye as sure
as ever.
Busted my brains out.
Нe was the most skillful hunter
in the Indian jungle!
Colonel Moran!
A soft revolver bullet.
Look at this, Watson.
Who would think that this
bullet was fiired from
a silent air-gun?
Yes, I saw one just
like that.
I'm still waiting to hear the
story of your miraculous
resurrection and of how you
traced Moran.
It's precisely because of Moran
that I couldn't resurrect
sooner. Нe and Moriarti followed
us to Switzerland.
Тhis tragic spectacle was very
well thought out.
Every actor appeared on the
stage at the right moment.
When you left for the
hotel, my friend,
I no longer doubted, that
the letter was a trap
and that in a matter
of minutes
my opponent professor Moriarti
will show himself.
I decided to examine the
place of the possible duel,
and found that right below the
precipice there was a ledge
big enough to hold only one
I'd told you about Moriarti's
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

Читайте также:
- текст Чернокнижник III: Конец невинности на английском
- текст Великий Зигфилд на английском
- текст Гостья из будущего на английском
- текст Московская элегия на английском
- текст Сестры на английском

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