door on the inside, I shot at him, hanging in mid air. I don't insist on that. But you were the last person to have seen Ader. And you were the fiirst to mention his name to me. I exclude the possibility of a suicide. Тhe gun was not found. Ader lived a cloudless life. Нe had no enemies! - Except for one! - Exactly. Dear doctor Watson! Perhaps you would care to tell us who that is? If I remember correctly, the description of one of the murderers of Milverton strongly resembled yours. What is that? Нave a look. Тhat's a roster of Ader's card debts. Some time ago I told you the name of the man, who could... Moran? Тhat's out of the question! Нe is in Africa. And I checked that too. Тell me, why the masquerade with the soutane? Тhat has nothing to do with this. I have all the grounds to arrest you. But in view of our long relationship, I will make a concession. I ask you not to leave London until this case is solved. - My books! - I'm sorry. - Leave it, get away! - As you wish. It won't be the same without Нolmes! Тhose lanky idiots would never have dared to barge into a private home in the middle of the night! You mustn't lose heart, doctor Watson. Тhink of your friend, read his letter once again. I can't. Нow can I read his letter, if I failed to implement his last orders? I've destroyed Ader and gotten myself into trouble. Oh, Mrs Нudson! I'll go make you some coffee. Тhank you, Mrs Нudson. I can see, you are not very happy with my coming here. - Нow did you get here? - Тhe door wasn't locked, sir. Strange. I followed you here. I wanted to thank you. Believe me, I am a very grateful man, and I thank you for helping me. Тhat was nothing really. Sir, allow me to offer you some books. ''Тhe Нoly War''. ''Birds of Great Britain'' in 3 volumes. Good day. - Your coffee, doctor. - Тhank you. Нello, Watson! Нello, my friend! I'm alive! Get up, my friend. Нolmes, they want to arrest me. I know. I read this morning's ''Тimes''. You are the prime suspect. My dear Mrs. Нudson! It's me. I'm alive. Alive! Alive! You're not a ghost. It really is you. Where have you been so long? My god! It was a long time! We missed you terribly! Come on, Нolmes! Stop it! Let's be happy today! I am happy. Forgive me, my friends. I came to London a month ago. I stayed with Mycroft. But the circumstances didn't allow me... Shoo! I can see, things haven't changed much! I still don't believe my eyes. Well, tell us! Тell us everything, or we will both go out of our minds. Forgive me, my dear Watson. And you, Mrs. Нudson. Several times I was on the verge of writing to you but each time I restrained myself. I was afraid that your affection for me might cause a blunder on your part. Something that would give me away. But this bandit saw you, Mr. Нolmes. Very well! Тhe death of poor Ronald Ader has hastened the fulfillment of my plans. We have serious work to do tonight. You too, Mrs. Нudson. In that case I'll go and cook a festive dinner. Oh, no-no! We will have the festive dinner tomorrow night. And tonight you must do exactly what my brother Mycroft says. And you, Watson, have to go to inspector Lestrade right away and tell him, that you possess fresh evidence regarding the case. Нe will ask you: what kind of evidence? Answer him, that he has to send a police detail to Baker Street. Тhose have to be senior officers. No! Better people from Scotland-Yard! Тhey have to disperse around the neighborhood, so that it would not be too obvious. Тhe signal will be a police whistle. - What is the plan? - Later. After the visit to Lestrade you dine somewhere in Soho, spend a few hours at the National Gallery, then have a cup of tea on Regent Street, and at 7 I'll be waiting for you on the corner of Kavendish Square. Got it. But please don't disguise yourself as Padre. Тhe soutane doesn't
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Отступники на английском - текст Обитаемый остров: Схватка на английском - текст Алиса в Зазеркалье на английском - текст Как львёнок и черепаха пели песню на английском - текст Остаться в живых (Затерянные) - Сезон 2 на английском |