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So let me get this straight.
The Klopeks are offering up Walter
as a human sacrifice to Beelzebub?
That's one of the theories.
Great, great.
So this is your relaxing
week at home, huh?
I wouldn't have missed this
for the worid.
- A week in Jonestown.
- Where are you going?
To the bathroom.
What is it?
Shut it off! No!
It was so nice of you to invite
the new neighbours over for a barbecue.
Satan is good. Satan is our pal.
I want to kill everyone.
Satan is good.
Satan is our pal.
Oh, Ray Peterson...
whatever you do...
don't let them do to you...
what they did to me.
Ooh, I bet that hurts, huh?
Hey, hey, hey!
Who the heck ordered the blood shake?
Hey, Ray. It's not Skip. It's me, Art.
I'm just pretending to be Skip.
You didn't happen to see an ice pick
around here, did you?
Mind your own business.
Mind your own business!
It's a beautiful day
in this neighbourhood
It's a beautiful day
for a neighbour
Would you be mine
Could you be mine
It's a neighbourly day
in this beauty wood
A neighbourly day
for a beauty
Would you be mine
Could you be mine
I have always wanted
to have a neighbour
Just like you
I've always wanted to live
In the neighbourhood with you
So let's make the most
of this beautiful day
Since we're together
I might as well say
Would you be mine
Could you be mine
Won't you be my neighbour
Won't you please
Won't you please
Please, won't you be
my neighbour
Hey, Ray!
Ray, we got a plan! Come on.
We got a plan.
Come on. We got...
Sorry, boys. My husband's not feeling
well. He has to stay in his room.
- Ooh, he was bad.
- Come on.
Please, Carol, let him come out.
Come on.
He can't come out until he resembles
the man that I married.
- We don't have that kind of time.
- Please let him come out.
I think that I have
given you my answer.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The bees came from there.
- Watch this hole.
- Okay, let's try the side door.
Okay, do it.
Do what?
We agreed to do it together.
Ray. Ray.
I'm only trying to take a nap.
I'm only laying here
with my eyes closed...
trying to get some goddam sleep.
Quiet, quiet, quiet. I wouldn't wake you
if it wasn't important.
- I think we flushed 'em out.
- Okay.
The Klopeks.
- Rumsfield and I, we flushed 'em out.
- How?
We wrote a note.
We slipped it under their door.
- We rang the bell, and then we ran.
- You did that?
- Yeah.
- Oh, geez! Stupid idi...
I can't believe you...
All I did was write,
"I know what you've done."
- I didn't sign it or anything.
- Oh, I can't... You stupid...
- Why didn't you... God!
- You gotta goose these people.
You gotta give them a little shot,
let 'em know that you're there.
Good dog, Vince.
Go get it.
Here's the thing, Art.
They're gonna think I did it.
- Why?
- The old guy saw me write a note...
and put it under Walter's door.
So they're gonna think
that I did it!
You wrote a note and put it under the...
I didn't know that.
It doesn't matter
'cause we got 'em on the run now.
Now they know that we know
that they know that we know!
Yes, it does matter! You did it,
but they're gonna suspect me!
They're not gonna suspect anybody.
- Do you know what this is?
- It's a bone.
- It's a femur.
- It's a femur bone.
A femur just happens to be
a human thigh bone, Ray.
- Wait, how do you know that?
- Biology 101.
Look at the size of this thing.
Think this came off
a chicken or something?
Where the hell did Vince get this?
 He dug it up
from underneath the fence.
Ray. Ray,
there's no doubt any more.
This is real.
Your neighbours are murdering people.
They're chopping 'em up.
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