check this out. Maybe the guy's upstairs in a bathtub or something... cracked his head open, there's blood everywhere... Just don't touch anything up there, all right? Yes, sir, Mr Peterson. Let's see if we can find some dog food. I don't like this. I don't like snooping around a neighbour's house. You mean a dead guy's house? You wanna take that out of your pocket? - You wanna not steal that from Walter's house? - Hey, what's the difference? All this junk is gonna end up in a flea market sooner or later. He might have left in a hurry and forgot about the dog. Okay, stay right here, and we'll find your dish. - Old people space out sometimes. Bull's-eye! What, what, what? A dead rat! There! Honey, that's not a rat. That's Walter's toupee. Beautiful place to keep a toupee: On the stove. I'm starving. One thing about these old guys: They don't ever leave the house without their hair. No, sir. Walter left this house in a big hurry. Hey, you guys, look! These cookies are... - That's great! Everybody out! - Great, Ricky. I think we've broken enough laws for one day. - Hey, sorry, but we have not looked... - Let's just get outta here. It's not against the law to break cookies. I can't believe you people talked me into this. Why don't we just get out of our neighbour's house? "Walter, your dog is at my house. Your window is broken because we all thought that..." "Walter... I have your dog. Ray." Mr Klopek! Mr Klopek, hi. Ray Peterson. Listen, I was w... What is this doggy-gram? This just came for you. It might be important. Come here. Save some for your friend. Right there. Go on. - Honey, have you seen your father? - I think he's in the basement with Art. He's playing canasta or something. Honey? Ray! Art, you had a dream you were gonna win the lottery. You blew $500 on tickets. I can't believe you're still bringing that up. You had a dream a plane was gonna crash, so you took the bus to Las Vegas. If I had been on the plane, it would have crashed. This wasn't a dream. This was a visiуn. These people are Satanists. They are Satanists. This is all gibberish. Look, the worid is full of these kind of things. Look at this. Black masses, mutilations. Mutilations! The incubus, the succubus. I'm telling you, Walter was a human sacrifice. I should have gone to the lake. I should have listened to Carol. Listen to your wife? Who listens to their wife? You gotta listen to me. We gotta go down to the religious supply store. We gotta get ourselves a couple of gallons of holy water. My cousin is a priest. He can get us a deal. - Then we gotta go to the market. - I don't want to hear this. - We gotta get big strings of garlic. - I'm not gonna listen. - We gotta get some fresh lamb's blood. - I'm not going to hear this. Ray, do you want 'em to take your family, kidnap 'em... tear their livers out and make some satanic pate? I'm not going to hear this. I'm not going to listen. Ray, you're chanting. Ray. Ray, look. Ray. Unconscious chanting. You're chanting. I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal. Ray, Ray, you're chanting. Hey. Once they get in here, it's over, pal. Satanists, huh? Ritual killers? Nice. Very, very nice. So let me get this straight. The Klopeks are offering up Walter as a human sacrifice to Beelzebub? That's one of the theories. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Great, great. So this is your relaxing week at home, huh? I wouldn't have missed this for the worid. - A week in Jonestown. - Where are you going? To the bathroom. Relax. What is it? Shut it off! No! Carol? Carol? Carol? Ray. Ray. It was so nice of you to invite the new neighbours over for a barbecue. Ow. Satan is good. Satan is our pal. I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal. Oh, Ray Peterson... <
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