gonna suspect me! They're not gonna suspect anybody. They're... - Do you know what this is? - It's a bone. - It's a femur. - It's a femur bone. A femur just happens to be a human thigh bone, Ray. - Wait, how do you know that? - Biology 101. Look at the size of this thing. Think this came off a chicken or something? Where the hell did Vince get this? [Crow Caws] [Ray] He dug it up from underneath the fence. Ray. Ray, there's no doubt any more. This is real. Your neighbours are murdering people. They're chopping 'em up. They're burying 'em in their backyard. Ray, this is Walter. - No! [Screaming] - [Screaming] [Continues Screaming] There's just got to be some other explanation for this. It's just some litter. The guy's a litterbug. It could be a candy bar wrapper. It could be a napkin. It could be a crumpled up credit card receipt. Those things blow around all the time. It, uh... No, it's my note. - Oh! Oh, I'm sorry. - Ouch! I didn't see you. I didn't see you. Great. Crush a beer can. You feel better now? Well... I think it's time we all stopped acting like kindergartners. - Don't you, Ray? - Yes, Carol. Now, before somebody falls off a roof or sets themselves on fire... I think we should go over there, knock on their door... and invite ourselves in for a nice, neighbourly chat. Get to know these people like we should have done a month ago. That's a good idea. I'll make brownies. - Great. While you keep 'em busy, l... - You're not invited. - Can't we do this tomorrow, Carol? - Would you relax? We'll probably find out more in five minutes of friendly chat... than you guys can in a month of snooping around. Okay, now, everybody just act normal. - Who is it? - Yoo-hoo! It's Carol Peterson from next door. - [Groaning] - Oh! There go the goddam brownies. Hi. Welcome to Mayfield Place. We're your neighbours. We brought dessert... Uh, is your mother home? Here you go, sonny. A little something for the sweet tooth. [Sniffs] I can't believe you've lived here a whole month... and we haven't come by to say hello. I'm your neighbour, Ray Peterson. That's my wife, Carol. That's Bonnie, and this is, uh... Rumsfield's the name. Don't think I caught yours, sonny. - Hans. - Hans. [Chuckles] A fine, Christian name. Hans Christian Andersen. [Laughs] What, are you Catholic? I don't know. Oh. Pretty girl. - Friend of yours? - No, it came with the frame. - "It came with the frame"? - Yes. Oh, is this the dining room? Oh! You startled me. - [Hans] My Uncle Reuben. - How do you do? You are the one who lives next door. - Um... why don't we get some coffee? - [Hans] I'll do it. What do you say we all sit down for a little face-to-face, eh, Reub? They're in there, all right. They're just standing around. Oh, great. Don't worry, you guys. I can get this. - I really appreciate your help. Really. - No problem. Just be careful. It's pretty dangerous with the trip wire. Thanks for your advice. - [Dave] W-Watch! - [Ricky] Be careful! - I'm watchin'. [Screams] - [Ricky] Did you make it? [Gasping, Coughing] I'm all right. I'm okay, I'm okay. Just throw me the tools. [Gasping] - Ow! - [Boys Laughing] Sure was damp today. Yes, I just can't seem to do anything with my hair. [Humming, Hollow Thump] [Insect Buzzing] A sardine? [Buzzing Continues] I'm trying to cut back. Sardine? [Buzzing Continues] - [Coughs] - Um... So, how are you enjoying Hinkley Hills? We just love it. - Don't we? - Yes. Klopek. What is that, Slavic? - No! - [Chuckles] About a nine on the tension scale, Reub. How do you like living here so far? Pretty comfortable house, ain't it? [Raps On Wall] Good, solid walls. [Stomps On Floor] Good, solid floors. [Banging] [Chuckles] Got
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