sheet and went back to makin' treats for the townsfolk. Only Skip didn't count on there being a big heat wave that summer. You know what all those people were smelling on Elm, Ricky? What? Skip's family's bodies... decomposing in the summer heat. Apparently, one day Skip made Just one-too-many lemon phosphates. El snappo. I remember that. I remember hearing about that when I was a kid. They-They tore down the soda fountain that fall. These towns are full of those stories. They're happening right under your nose. You know, speaking of noses... ever since this family has moved to this block... I've been noticing a weird kind of odour. Kind of like death. Jump a little higher, Spud Webb. - Oh, slam dunk! - Sorry, Mr Peterson. It was a mistake. - Well, it wasn't a mistake. - Don't apologize. - I'm goin' home. - Oh, come on. - Don't be a weenie. It was a joke! - I'm sorry, Mr Peterson. I'm gonna go do something productive. I'm gonna go watch televisiуn. The answer is: - What is Lincoln's birthday. - Addley? - What is Memorial Day? - Memorial Day is it. Select. They combined Lincoln's birthday with Washington's. It's one weekend now. - It's always flip-flopping. - It's one weekend now. "Remain calm, float with arms stretched out at right angles to the body..." That's what you used to say to me in college, right? - What about your parents? - They're not home 'til Thursday. Gail, I swear to God, this is better than anything on televisiуn. - Why can't we go to a movie? - "A movie"? That's not real. It's the same as televisiуn. Trust me. This is real. This is my neighbourhood. Here he comes, right on schedule. God, I love this street. Ray. - What? - Who was Mussolini? "How sweet it is" was, uh... - Right again. - Business and Industry for 200. In the McDonald's corporate think tank, executives... - Art, we're watching the show. - What does he want? I don't know. But I'll be back in time for Final Jeopardy. Nebraskans for 1,000, please. Okay, the show's started. Check it out. You see the guy with the curly hair? That's Mr Peterson. He's this sceptic. He's basically grounded in reality... and he doesn't want to believe his neighbours are up to 'Cause if they were, he'd have to deal with it. Okay, now see the fat guy? That's Mr Weingartner. He thinks the Klopeks are really evil... and that they're building a dungeon in their basement. He and Mr Rumsfield decided to do a little snooping tonight. This should be good. Shh, shh, shh. - What is this? - It's an infrared scope. Snipers use it for night visiуn. What are we gonna do with it? Get a look in those barred-up basement windows. Come here. I've been thinking about it. I don't think we should go through with this. Are you a 'fraidy cat? No, I just think things have gone off the deep end. Infrared night visiуn scopes? What are we gonna do next, tap their phone? That can be arranged. Then all we have to do is burn a cross on their front lawn. Shh. - Quiet. - You hear that? I thought that was just me. - It's a low-frequency hum or something. - It's getting louder. Listen. Is that a transformer or something? The goddam power company. But I can't... Where is it coming from? I know where it's coming from. Wow. What the hell was that? Brownout. Smells like they're cooking a goddam cat over there. - I'm gonna go find out what exactly... - Get down, get down! No headlights. I can see the news report now: "They were a quiet family. Kept pretty much to themselves. No one would have ever suspected them of foul play." I've never seen anybody drive their garbage to the street... and then bang the hell out of it with a stick. I've never seen that. I say we get a look in
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