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dig this deep
into this kind of sludge?
That was metal!
- Hey!
- That was metal! You hit a crypt!
They buried him in a crypt!
I'll get my blowtorch! I'll call it in!
Hello! Hey, uh...
Eagle Eye, this is Ground Force One.
We have found Walter! We found Walter!
I'll be out in a minute!
Dig there! Dig there!
Oh, yes! We found him!
We caught you, Reub.
You've been playing us for saps,
but you were wrong.
Mr Weingartner! Art!
Look! Look over there!
Look! Right now!
Go on. Go on. I'll...
Let me go. I'm all right.
Ray! Raymond!
Listen up real carefully, mister.
We got a real problem.
Hey, Ray, guess who's not
in the basement? Walter!
He's back! He's back!
Klopeks! With coppers!
Keep 'em busy. Keep 'em busy.
I'll get Ray.
- Keep them busy!
- All right, okay, all right!
Stop! Stop right there!
Don't go any further!
You're going!
Hey, Mr Officer, wait.
There are these people
in my parents' house...
and they're eating
all their food!
Ray, Walter showed up!
- The Klopeks! I got Ricky down there...
- I hit the gas line! Run!
- Gas!
- Run!
- What is the problem here?
- Thank God you're here.
- No problem, sir.
- This is not a police matter.
We hit a pipe!
There's all kinds of gas!
It's gonna blow!
- All right!
- Ricky sure knows how to throw a party.
Was that your house?
Something is moving in there.
Ray... Ray, you found it, right?
Before it blew, you found it, right?
Hey, tell me you found it.
You found it, right?
Before everything went off,
you had to have found it.
You got a lawsuit
on your hands, mister.
Oh, God, what's this?
Your attention, please.
Please stay behind the barricade.
You want to step back, please?
- That's my house.
- Sorry, I've got to get the all clear
from the gas company.
- I can clear this. She lives here.
- Did I ask you?
Miss, you wanna
come back here, please?
Excuse me, pal.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough.
- Oh, honey, what have they done to you?
- You cut your hair.
I like it.
I'm telling you, Officer,
there's a body buried in that house.
- Mr Seznick, right?
- Yeah, the old guy who's sitting here...
- is buried in that house, Sherlock.
- Watch it.
Where was he anyway?
Mr Seznick was at the hospital
'til 8:00 this evening.
Monday night
he had some heart palpitations.
He called his daughter and son-in-law,
and they took him to the hospital.
What about the wig?
They found a wig in this house.
- His wig.
- The Klopeks were picking up his mail.
The doctor somehow got that wig mixed
up with the newspapers and letters.
"Doctor"? You don't believe that
this guy's a real doctor, do you?
Yes, I do believe he's a doctor.
In fact, he's a very well-respected
pathologist, my friend.
I'd say that you are damn lucky
you didn't kill him in that blast.
Oh, yeah,
I thank my lucky stars.
- Take care of this nitwit.
- Sorry about your car, man.
Destruction of private property.
Destruction of public property.
Three counts
of criminal trespassing.
Harassment, assault,
And that poor old man claims
he's got a ransom note...
that says you kidnapped his dog!
Do you hear me okay, Mr Peterson?
I really do like your hair, honey.
You know,
this doesn't change a thing.
They may think it does. They may think
they're off the hook, but they're not.
No, they're not. Are they, Ray?
Go ahead, tell 'em.
We got the goods on 'em, don't we?
Someday they're gonna dig up
the back of that yard...
and they're gonna find the rest
of that skeleton to go with that femur.
- It might not be Walter, but...
- Shut up, Art! Shut up!
God, you don't know when
to quit, do you?
Look at me!
I'm a shell of a man
because of you, Art.
- Now, now...
- Soldiers!
You leave 'em alone!
Get off their case already!
They didn't do anything to us.
They didn't do anything to us!
All right, so they're different!
So they keep to themselves!
Can you blame them? They live next door
to people
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- текст Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих на английском

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