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Jesus Christ!
Get an ambulance on that thing!
I'm okay. I'm all right.
Ow! God!
I took a jolt, but I'm okay.
- Can you stand up?
- Oh, yeah.
- Try one of these.
- Oh, yeah, that's better.
- Whoa, whoa.
- No, no, no. Jesus.
Look at my fingers.
My fingernails are black.
- My fillings are hot.
- Hey, look at this.
The man actually hit the right wire.
There's no alarm.
- Hey, good work.
- Congratulations. Now give me five.
- I'm gonna set up a communications base.
- You got it.
- Here, you're gonna need this.
- Here.
Hey, hey, hey, Rumsfield!
What are you doing with the gun?
Just shut up
and paint your goddam house!
Whoa! Fine.
Task Force One,
this is Eagle Eye.
You are all clear.
Roger, Eagle Eye.
We're going over.
Red rover, red rover, let Ray go over.
Good. Now, red rover, red rover,
let Art go on over.
That's great. Over.
It's really getting hot out here.
Yeah, it is getting hot, Art.
Why don't you dig one
of your own holes, huh?
I was just checking this one.
Besides, the radio... I was monitoring...
This is turning out to be a lot more
work than we thought it was gonna be.
Why don't we check the house?
It's probably a lot cooler in there.
That's a good idea.
Let's try the house.
We'll start in the basement.
We'll start in the basement
and just work our way up.
Ray, I'm thinking the reason we
didn't find anything in the backyard...
is because they probably weren't
burying anybody in the backyard.
They were digging bodies up and they
probably buried them in the basement.
That's a possibility, Art.
I say we start in the kitchen. They
probably got some cold beer in there.
Or some knockwurst or something.
I'm starving.
It's locked.
- Hey, give me a credit card.
- Yeah.
- Where did you learn how to do that?
- I don't know how to do this.
Ah, it's a shit store anyway.
Ray, do the words "breaking
and entering" mean anything to you?
Hey, Mr Rumsfield!
Hey, yo, man!
I wanted to introduce you
to my friend.
- This is Steve Kuntz.
- Hey, dude.
He's here to watch the show
this afternoon.
It's about time, you guys.
Hey, man,
when's the big unveiling, huh?
- I gotta go to work in a couple hours.
- Hey, man, piss off!
- Get this lame-o out of your yard!
- Yo!
- Get out of my yard, lame-o! Hey!
- What's his problem?
Get out of my yard!
Ray, look at the size
of this furnace.
This thing's
got to be 80 years old.
These old places have got
to be hell to heat.
This house isn't that big.
What the hell does he need
a furnace like this for?
I think there's been some modifications
on this 'cause this conduit's brand new.
It runs all the way back over there
and up through a hole in the ceiling.
I saw some of that
in their living room.
And a thermostat
on a home furnace...
Is that supposed to go
to 5,000 degrees, do you think?
It must be what all the noise was.
Look at all the stuff
they put together down here.
- They got this place
wired with batteries.
- There's got to be 40 of them.
Look, we got power here.
This is no ordinary furnace.
What's that?
Yo, Rumsfield!
Mr Rumsfield, are you okay?
- Yes, yes, I'm all right.
- That was very cool, man.
Art. Art, look.
- Look! I found it!
- That's loose dirt.
They must have burned his body up
in the furnace...
and then buried his bones right here.
What do we do now?
I'll tell him that
they built a crematorium down here.
Don't tell him that. He'll just want to
come down. Wait 'til we find something.
Ray, that could take all night.
Mr Rumsfield, you guys managed to
knock out the power in the entire block.
Probably the whole south end of town.
Ricky, shut up!
- Shh.
- We're gonna make a run to McD's.
- You want a Quarterpounder
or something?
- Oh, no way!
Hey, you guys can't go now.
It's the best part.
- I called the pizza dude.
- All right!
Ray, I think we can give up.
They'd never bury him this deep.
Who, besides us, would
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