people are clearly psychos! Ray, what do you think? Yeah, what do you think? Right. Been awfully quiet, Ray. Maybe we could have a little participation here. I think they're clean. I think Bonnie and Carol are right. - See? - That's great, Ray. Just pull open the door, pull the rip cord and bail out on us. That's rich, considering you're the one who started this whole thing. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who started it, tuna neck? - "Tuna neck"? - You instigated this whole damn thing! You know who instigated this? Your boy watching people dig in the backyard! - You leave my... - Honey, would you and Bonnie excuse us? I think I should have a talk with the boys in the den for a few minutes. - Okay. - Oh. It's good to see you've come to your senses, sweetie. Just a minute or two. So, what's the deal, Ray? Are you siding with the chicks against us? Is that it? Yeah, are you totally pussy-whipped or what? Just take your balls out of your wife's purse. Make a stand for one time in your life. Hey, Ray, come on. - It's just a figure of speech. - It's a joke. He's kiddin' around. Oh, it's Walter's rug. You got an old guy's wig. Big deal. You've had that in your trousers all day? After you found this in Walter's house yesterday... I slipped it back in through the mail slot. - Yeah? - Where did you get it this time? Klopeks? Wow. After the dog came up out of the basement. I found it wedged between a bunch of magazines... all of which were addressed to Walter. Then that means that... Klopeks went back inside Walter's house... and got the hair. What do we do now, soldier? You heard them say they were going away tomorrow. Yeah. As soon as that car leaves in the morning... I'm going over the fence and I'm not comin' back 'til I find a dead body. Nobody knocks off an old man in my neighbourhood and gets away with it. Gentlemen, we are on alert. Honey, you know what you could do? Go get those flag stones at the garden centre and put them along the walk. Yeah, that'd be a nice project. I've got a foursome lined up with Art today in an hour and a half though. I didn't mean right now. You hate golf. Well, it's my vacation. I just wanted to get out of the house. I would think, after the week I put you through, you'd want to too. Why do I get the impression you're trying to get rid of me? I'm gonna be gone all day. It'd be a good time for you to go see Evelyn. And you have a good time with the cousins. I hate them, Dad. Rudy is a moron, and Diane smells. Have a nice weekend. I'll see you later. Hey, Carol, see my new golf glove? I got it so I don't get blisters playing golf. We're gonna be playing that much golf. Really. Fore! Think she bought it? Yo, Steve-man. What's the haps, dude? You gotta come down here today. It's gonna be live. No, you've got to. Something's about to happen. I can't tell you. Are you sure you know what you're doing, Art? There's a lot of juice going through those wires. You hit the wrong one, you're a Post Toastie. Electricity is our friend. Besides, we wanna take out their alarms, don't we? I was thinking we could bypass the fence altogether and find another way in. No one knows how many trip alarms they have in there. No, I can take out everything they've got with one clip of the snips. - Right, Captain? - Affirmative. Siren mode. Pretty neat, eh? I can raise all the police channels... and the power company channels on this baby. - Be careful up there, Art. - It's okay, Ray. We gotta get going though. We're burning daylight here. Hey, where should we start diggin' once we get over there? We start in the backyard, then check the basement. Be careful up there. Go slow, huh? Hey, safety is my middle name. I thought his middle name was Louis. Are you sure you're all right up there? I don't know that he knows what he's doing. - Well, why didn't you go up there? - It's very high. Oh,
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