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was damp today.
Yes, I just can't seem
to do anything with my hair.
A sardine?
I'm trying to cut back.
So, how are you enjoying
Hinkley Hills?
We just love it.
- Don't we?
- Yes.
What is that, Slavic?
About a nine
on the tension scale, Reub.
How do you like
living here so far?
Pretty comfortable house, ain't it?
Good, solid walls.
Good, solid floors.
Got somebody tied up in the old cellar,
have you, Reub?
It's packing dust.
I'm sorry.
Just you and Unc living here
in the house, is that it, sonny?
- No...
- Please, this is a small family:
Me, the young boy...
and my brother... the doctor.
Won't it be nice to have
a doctor in the neighbourhood?
You know, I think it's great you've been
able to stay with all the original wood.
I was never over here
when the Knapps lived here.
How unfortunate for the Knapps.
You know, it's funny, but I don't
remember seeing a moving van out front.
I don't understand that.
It was parked outside all day!
- Really?
- S-Say, how is, uh...
the... drainage
on your property here?
I know when it rains at our house...
boy, the basement
Just floods right over.
Basement? Ray comes up
with a winning idea.
Maybe we should go
take a look in the basement.
Maybe that was brother
down there...
tapping on the ceiling
a couple minutes ago.
Who knows?
Just what kind of doctor
is this brother of yours?
Why don't you
ask him yourself?
Ah, we have guests.
Sort of.
My brother, the doctor.
Werner Klopek.
How nice to meet you.
Ray Peterson.
Oh, pardon my glove.
I thought the candles
would be romantic... for the ladies.
- Oh.
- They're lovely.
I really must apologize
for the paint.
I was just touching up
one of my pictures.
I find painting relaxes me.
- Sugar substitute?
- No, thank you.
It was impolite of us not to have
introduced ourselves sooner.
I find my work is rather solitary.
It always keeps us on the move.
Did you know we've had to move
four times in as many years?
- Oh, all that moving must be
very hard on you, Hans.
And tomorrow...
Tomorrow we must all go
to the university...
to discuss yet another transfer.
No. And we're just
getting to know you.
That's a shame.
Isn't that a shame, honey?
That's a shame.
Says who?
And I was just remarking...
to Hans... today...
how nice it would be...
to meet all
of our new neighbours...
and here you are.
Actually, we're not all here.
- Oh?
Walter, the old man next door.
We don't know where the hell he is.
Oh, God! Jesus Christ!
Sorry! Sorry! Ow!
Terrible thing,
the plight of the elderly.
We were just remarking
the other day...
about how an old guy like that...
could just drop off
the face of the Earth without a sign.
Vanish. No one ever see him again.
No trace. Nothing.
Right, Ray? Yesterday, wasn't it?
We werejust talking
about it yesterday.
I bet you were.
Why don't wejust cut all this
polite crap, all right?
What's the weird goddam noise
you got comin' outta here all the time?
Uh, I think we should go...
What have you got
in the cellar, Herr Klopek?
- Mark!
- Ray.
Come on. Tell him what you saw.
Tell him.
I have to use your bathroom.
Ray, remember night before last?
- You said they were digging.
- Don't open that!
Oh! Oh!
You keep a horse
in the basement?
- Is it a burglar?
- No, it's Art.
Another neighbour?
A fat one.
Go on, you mangy mutt!
I'm sorry if Landru frightened you.
- His size tends to overwhelm people.
- Oh, no, no.
We've imposed on you enough for one
evening. It's been lovely meeting you.
- See you, Doc. Later, Reub.
- Bye, Hans.
Yes, Doctor.
It's been real.
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.
Let's do this again sometime...
real soon.
- We'll see ourselves to the door. Honey?
- Goodnight.
Okay, I admit it.
They're slightly eccentric.
"Slightly eccentric"? Carol...
- But that doesn't mean...
- Come on!
- They chopped Walter into little pieces!
- These
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- текст Антикиллер на английском
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- текст Карлсон вернулся на английском
- текст День Сурка на английском

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