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You okay?
- Yeah.
- I'm not gonna pay for that.
- We shouldn't pay for that.
Well, um, let's...
Let's say hello.
Get the hose. Hang on, men!
Run to me! Run to water!
Ray, over here! Run to water!
Run to me! Come on!
 I think they're gone, Mark.
I think they're gone!
- You men hit?
- I cannot believe you did that.
- Neither can I.
- I cannot believe it! That was great.
The same thing happened to me
last week. I was over there.
It wasn't bees though.
It was a foaming squirrel.
In Southeast Asia, we'd call
this type of thing "bad karma."
 Honey, bee stings don't
heal if you keep playing with them.
 If we had gone to the lake,
I'd have twice as many of these.
- It isn't like
anything you said is coming true.
I can't walk away without you
asking where I'm going?
I'm going to Paris, France.
I'm going to Banff, Canada, all right?
- That's where I'm going.
- Are you taking the dog?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm taking the dog for a walk.
No, wait, wait, wait.
Hey, Vince, let's go
over here, huh?
Let's not go that way tonight.
Here's a nice yard.
It's a good yard.
Hey, you with the dog!
 Hey, keep that mutt
off my lawn, will ya?
All right.
Have a field day.
He comes here to smoke cigars.
His wife won't let him.
Hi, Ray.
How ya doin', bud?
- Hey, there, Mr Peterson.
- Good to see you.
- Wouldn't need a lighter, would you?
- Thanks.
- It is a lovely night, isn't it?
- Yeah, green sky tonight.
Green sky at morning:
Neighbour take warning.
Green sky at night?
Neighbour take flight.
Did you ever see the movie
The Sentinel, Mr Peterson?
It's about the old guy
who owned the apartment...
which is kind of like
the gateway to hell.
No, I didn't see that.
Oh, well,
I was doing some thinking.
And, you know, being that their
last house burned down and all...
it's like, maybe,
somebody left the gate open.
It's them.
They're movin' around again.
It was a night just like this
that it happened.
What happened,
Mr Weingartner?
It was a long time ago.
Hinkley Hills was a lot smaller then.
Safer too. You never had to lock
your doors. Everybody knew everybody.
I must have been maybe
nine, ten years old.
- You know where the big mall is?
- Yeah.
There used to be a big drugstore
on the corner there.
- It had a big soda fountain. Remember?
- Yeah.
The guy who ran it was a rotund guy,
had glasses.
His name was Skip.
Lived over on Elm.
Had a wife, a couple kids.
Not too sharp.
The guy's 40 years old, he's wearing
a paper hat and making cherry Cokes.
It's a cinch he's not
running for governor, right?
Anyway, it got hot that summer.
It got real hot.
It was sweltering.
That heat where your underwear sweats
and it crawls up the...
Anyway, it's hot, okay?
And they start smelling
this really vile stench over on Elm...
and they figure it's comin'
from Skip's place.
No one wants to say anything.
Do you knock on the guy's door,
"Hi, your house stinks"?
So people are trying
to ignore it, right?
They're trying to pretend it isn't
happening. You know those pine things?
They're trying to cover up with those
pine things that you can put in cars.
People are hanging those
on their porches.
- Oh, you think that's funny, Ricky?
- Well, yeah.
Let me tell you
what happened next.
The state health inspector shows up.
They talk to Skip.
He says he's got a sump pump problem.
They leave.
The guy's got a sewer problem.
He says he'll look after it.
Everything's okay, right?
A couple hours later...
there's smoke pouring out
of the windows of Skip's house.
- The firemen go in. Know what they find?
- What?
Skip's family, dead.
by Skip... weeks earlier...
with an ice pick.
Yeah, the guy killed
his whole family...
With an ice pick.
Yeah. Yeah, just put 'em
in the cool basement...
covered 'em up with a
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