[Ray Yelling] [Horns Honking] [Ricky] Hey, the pizza dude! [Screaming] - [Cheering] - Yeah! Way to go! - [Ray Screaming] - Far out. Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest! I, Ray Peterson, am placing you under citizen's arrest... for my attempted murder! The man doesn't know what he's talking about. - Citizen's arrest. Citizen's arrest. - Oh, Ray. Don't start with me, Carol. The man confessed. They murdered the Knapps. - [Werner] He's demented. - Hey, Sherlock. Get the Klopeks to tell you where they buried the stiffs. [Detective] You don't have a stiff. You don't have any evidence. - You do now. - [Screams] This your vehicle, Dr Klopek? [Detective] Let's go, Doc. Hey! Pinocchio! Where are you going? Gotcha! [Grunting] Don't you make a move, sonny. I was 18 months in the bush, and I can snap your neck in a heartbeat. I think the message to psychos, fanatics, murderers... nutcases all over the world is, uh... do not mess with suburbanites because, uh, we're not gonna take it any more. We're not gonna be content to look after our lawns... and wax our cars, paint our houses. We're out to get 'em, Don. We are out to get them. - Hello. - Hi. [Sighs] So, what are you gonna do now? I'm gonna pack a bag and go up to the lake. We got 'em, neighbour. - Get away from him. - [Art] Hey, you guys. You wanna go down to Bowl-O-Rama for a beer or something? Man, that was an incredible choke hold you put on me, pal. The guy's a brute. How's that finger? Is it okay? Where are you guys going? Where you going? I'm going on vacation. "Vacation"? What, are you crazy? This is a major media event here. Geraldo Rivera's coming, and he's gonna excavate the basement of the Klopeks! It's gonna be broadcast on satellite all over the world, live! Art! Your wife's home. - And your house is on fire! - Art, where are you? My wife is home! Mr Peterson, where you going? It's just starting to get good. I'm going away for a while, Ricky. I want you to keep an eye on the neighbourhood for me. You betcha, Mr Peterson. No problem. [Barking] God, I love this street.Ray, where are you going? Come back to bed. Watch it, you miserable little... Queenie! 'Morning, Walter! Good girl. Their lawn needed fertilizing anyway. I am your war machine Yes, I am your ghetto scene Well, I am your love of money 'Cause I found me a little honey - I'm working for the machine - Good morning, Lieutenant. Mrs Rumsfield. Hi, Ricky. I'm working for the machine, baby Oh, Mr Rumsfield, be careful. Queenie... - Goddam it. - Uh-oh. Walter. Walter! - Walter! - I love that dude. - Walter! Walter! - Mark! What are you doing up? Walter's dog just took a dump on Rumsfield's lawn again. Good, honey. I know you're in there, old man! - Honey, honey, the neighbours. - Listen up, mister. That piece of scum, barking rat of yours... has just taken his last dump on my lawn! I find one more... just one... I'm gonna catch him and staple his ass shut! - I'm gonna do it right now. - No, no, no! Honey, don't. Come on. Let's go home. Hey, honey, I think we should move. We got an arms dealer across the street and a crazy person down it. All they do is fight. Is this sweet enough? Now these new next-door neighbours... What is their name? - The Klopeks? - Mm-hmm. - Is that a Slavic name? - I don't know. They've been here a month. Think they're gonna do something about their yard? Are you gonna eat any of this? Oh, no. I got that thing with my stomach again. I wonder what was going on over there last night. - I knew this was gonna happen. - What? - Nothing. - What did you know was going to happen? It's started already. Look at you. You're gonna sit around all week doing nothing... get bored out of your mind and go back to work worse than you are now. No, I'm not. Please, let's pack up
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