It could be a candy bar wrapper. It could be a napkin. It could be a crumpled up credit card receipt. Those things blow around all the time. It, uh... No, it's my note. - Oh! Oh, I'm sorry. - Ouch! I didn't see you. I didn't see you. Great. Crush a beer can. You feel better now? Well... I think it's time we all stopped acting like kindergartners. - Don't you, Ray? - Yes, Carol. Now, before somebody falls off a roof or sets themselves on fire... I think we should go over there, knock on their door... and invite ourselves in for a nice, neighbourly chat. Get to know these people like we should have done a month ago. That's a good idea. I'll make brownies. - Great. While you keep 'em busy, l... - You're not invited. - Can't we do this tomorrow, Carol? - Would you relax? We'll probably find out more in five minutes of friendly chat... than you guys can in a month of snooping around. Okay, now, everybody just act normal. - Who is it? - Yoo-hoo! It's Carol Peterson from next door. - [Groaning] - Oh! There go the goddam brownies. Hi. Welcome to Mayfield Place. We're your neighbours. We brought dessert... Uh, is your mother home? Here you go, sonny. A little something for the sweet tooth. [Sniffs] I can't believe you've lived here a whole month... and we haven't come by to say hello. I'm your neighbour, Ray Peterson. That's my wife, Carol. That's Bonnie, and this is, uh... Rumsfield's the name. Don't think I caught yours, sonny. - Hans. - Hans. [Chuckles] A fine, Christian name. Hans Christian Andersen. [Laughs] What, are you Catholic? I don't know. Oh. Pretty girl. - Friend of yours? - No, it came with the frame. - "It came with the frame"? - Yes. Oh, is this the dining room? Oh! You startled me. - [Hans] My Uncle Reuben. - How do you do? You are the one who lives next door. - Um... why don't we get some coffee? - [Hans] I'll do it. What do you say we all sit down for a little face-to-face, eh, Reub? They're in there, all right. They're just standing around. Oh, great. Don't worry, you guys. I can get this. - I really appreciate your help. Really. - No problem. Just be careful. It's pretty dangerous with the trip wire. Thanks for your advice. - [Dave] W-Watch! - [Ricky] Be careful! - I'm watchin'. [Screams] - [Ricky] Did you make it? [Gasping, Coughing] I'm all right. I'm okay, I'm okay. Just throw me the tools. [Gasping] - Ow! - [Boys Laughing] Sure was damp today. Yes, I just can't seem to do anything with my hair. [Humming, Hollow Thump] [Insect Buzzing] A sardine? [Buzzing Continues] I'm trying to cut back. Sardine? [Buzzing Continues] - [Coughs] - Um... So, how are you enjoying Hinkley Hills? We just love it. - Don't we? - Yes. Klopek. What is that, Slavic? - No! - [Chuckles] About a nine on the tension scale, Reub. How do you like living here so far? Pretty comfortable house, ain't it? [Raps On Wall] Good, solid walls. [Stomps On Floor] Good, solid floors. [Banging] [Chuckles] Got somebody tied up in the old cellar, have you, Reub? [Sneezing] [Sneezing Continues] [Coughs, Spits, Crumples Newspaper] It's packing dust. I'm sorry. So... [Rumsfield Chuckles] Just you and Unc living here in the house, is that it, sonny? - No... - Please, this is a small family: Me, the young boy... and my brother... the doctor. Won't it be nice to have a doctor in the neighbourhood? [Cuckoo Clock Chiming] You know, I think it's great you've been able to stay with all the original wood. I was never over here when the Knapps lived here. How unfortunate for the Knapps. You know, it's funny, but I don't remember seeing a moving van out front. I don't understand that. It was parked outside all day! - [
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