What am I acting like, Carol? - Like a guy who's on vacation! - Like this! - This is not someone on vacation! - See? I sleep late! - Get a tan then! - In my pyjamas? - Fix the barbecue! I don't know! - Look, look! You go to the cottage and get a tan! Take David with you! I don't care! I'll eat takeout! I'll do the laundry myself! I'll vacuum the house! It'll be spotless! Art's throwing garbage all over the street. Your mom and I are having a conversation! If you... What? - [Garbage Clattering] - Get out of the truck! Are you nuts? Hey, it's gotta be in here somewhere. The Supreme Court ruled that a person's garbage... - is public domain the minute it hits the kerb. - Shut up. Did you guys pick up a Hefty bag out of that yard... that was bulky and probably a little moist? - What is wrong with these people? - He has a right to know, Vic. Don't start up with me. Hey, could you help me get this guy out of here? Hey, Art. What's happening? No! Ray! Ray, come back here! Just one... I'll be... Yeah. My taxes pay your salary! I don't want to hear any of your bullshit either! The question here is garbage and who picks up this mess. [Rumsfield] "Who picks up this mess"? You're gonna pick up the mess because you are a garbageman. I pick up garbage in cans, not from the street! Ray, there's nothing in here. We practically checked this whole truck. They must have switched on us. - [Enlightened Garbageman] The F.B.I.? - [Art] No, the Klopeks. - [Whimpering] - Oh, no. Naughty little puppy. Uncle Markie gets very upset when you're on his lawn. Wait a minute. You're all dirty, and you're shaking. I wonder if Walter knows you're outside. - In the rain? - Yeah, it was raining. - There were how many of them? - Well, uh, three. And what were they doing? - They were diggin'. - Digging! Like grave diggers! - I told you! They're ghouls! - No, I didn't say that. They could have been digging for anything. They could have been digging for night crawlers. - Night crawlers? - They're fishermen. They need bait. - Wake up and smell the coffee! - Shh. The kid spotted us last night. When we were sleeping, he got up. He went to the garbage can, he took the body and then he... He buried him in the backyard. - Let's get outta here. - I like this. I hate cul-de-sacs. There's only one way out, and the people are weird. - [Gasps] - Naked ladies. Does anyone know if Walter left a spare key around anywhere? He must have gone away and forgot to feed Queenie. - Walter! - I hope nothing happened to him. - I think we should call the police. - Oh, good plan, Ray. I think I see something moving in there. How did you get in there? A soldier's way saves the day. Entrez. - [Mrs Rumsfield] Good, honey. - [Art] Beautiful. - Walter? - [TV] What's been going on here? - This doesn't look good. - [TV] Murder, my friend. - Murder? - There are signs of a struggle here. The TV's still on. Chairs turned over. I wouldn't say that's a sign of a struggle. I think I should go upstairs and check this out. Maybe the guy's upstairs in a bathtub or something... cracked his head open, there's blood everywhere... Just don't touch anything up there, all right? Yes, sir, Mr Peterson. Let's see if we can find some dog food. I don't like this. I don't like snooping around a neighbour's house. You mean a dead guy's house? You wanna take that out of your pocket? - You wanna not steal that from Walter's house? - Hey, what's the difference? All this junk is gonna end up in a flea market sooner or later. [Ray] He might have left in a hurry and forgot about the dog. Okay, stay right here, and we'll find your dish. - Old people space out sometimes. - [Screams] Bull's-eye! - [Screaming] - What, what, what? A dead rat! There! [Chuckling] Honey,
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