asked her why she just switched off the light What do you think? Father's to blame...disliking Taniguchi He is such a nice person Father's too feudalistic! Here you come! I'm home We've already finished supper What's this? You'll...attend the wedding? Can't very well stay away Our friends are coming Are you sure? Setsuko! Father will be there tomorrow He'll attend you wedding! I'm so glad! I was certain that he would but Everything's going to be all right now There's not need to cry You'll be busy tomorrow Better go to bed Mother What's the matter? I'm sorry...for having caused you so much trouble Never mind. All I want is for you to be happy. Now get your things ready Hisako, go help your sister Okay Setsuko's terribly happy We need you there tomorrow Will you eat some festive rice? You're happy-go-lucky How can you say that? I never thought that she'd defy me Don't say ''defy''! Somehow I fail to be convinced Something's wrong She made this vital decision without letting her parents know It's not right We were worrying about it too The table's ready for mahjong Let's start! Alright! Bring beer to the next room Sure I'll go try my luck. Let's go! Okay Since his wife asked me I acted as go-between But Hirayama didn't like the bridegroom Why's that? Well It's hard to find a good man that you think is worthy of your daughter How many children, Sugai? None at all? Sugai has plenty. Wasn't it all? Seven? All girls, I presume See! Thought as much Undoubtedly It's nothing. Just a theory You keep on thinking they're children Then suddenly they've grown up That's right That's the way it should be Mikami, recite something for us What do you want? You used to do ''Masatsura'' at Kure That one won't do Why not? Mikami, good at it Go ahead Don't be shy Come on, come on! Let's hear it All right. But it doesn't quite fit this age This is based on a farewell poem by the patriot Masatsura Kusunoki The precepts of my father remain deep in memory The edict of the Emperor I'll follow faithfully This is quite long Drink as you listen Ten years of patience Now the great day is here Strike a mighty blow Fill the foe with fear. For the Emperor's cause, we fight once again Vowing that we will battle and die as men Our band of 143 warriors - united as one Determined are we to fight until we have won By dying, heroes gain eternal fame Cowards suffer everlasting shame With arrowheads we'll write our history With sword blades we'll care our destiny Look to the north Outnumbering us is the foe Search out the general Deal him a death-blow This is about enough Isn't there more? If there is...Continue it Go on That's insufficient Let's hear more Not so good It's inspiring to listen to I agree with you At Sakurai, the trees are in the leaf Twilight is a time of sorrow and grief The warrior ponder: what is the world coming to? What glistens on his armour Teardrops or the dew? You've met your daughter then? She comes to the house now and then making out somehow. I'm satisfied Raising children can be very difficult You are right Eventually parents have to give up Things never go smoothly I guess not. We're getting old Talking about children at an alumni reunion That's true But ever with us are the dreams of our youth I'm back! Mr. Hiayama of Tokyo is here Really! Where is he now? In the inner room Hello! Welcome! Come here Thank you for attending Setsuko's wedding Not at all. Congratulations on the happy event By the way What brings you to Kyoto? After attending an alumni reunion, I went to Osaka Have you completed your business? Yes Setsuko and her husband stopped at our inn Really! Just talked about it What? What was it that they found so delicious? Pickled fish They liked it very much The husband said, ''This tastes nice'' The wife replied, ''That's right'' He said, ''You like it?'' She said, '' ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Один дома на английском - текст Москва слезам не верит на английском - текст Иван-Дурак на английском - текст Полуночный ковбой на английском - текст Стукнутый на английском |