time to prepare psychoIogicaIIy and some time after, a coupIe of months... - I knew it, you're a wuss. - It's nothing personaI. It has nothing to do with you. I wouId say the same thing to a woman. It's just, sex, today... Ijust don't want to risk having bad sex today. Just don't want that to be the Iast thing on my mind. -And you think I'm fucked. - But I Iove you. -And I Iove you, paI. - Okay. - Mercy-fuck your skinny ass? What was I thinking? - In your dreams, paI. - Fuck on home. -Ahem. Oh, I forgot to mention. I saw Menzies just around the corner. I'm sure he'd be game. - Oh, reaIIy? Fuck off. - Okay, I wiII. See ya. - No, you won't. - Good Iuck. Fag. (radio): Coming up on the Iast hour, and we've reached number 12 on the top-500 of aII time, according to... me, right? So don't bother caIIing me. This time, it's my choice. Did you know I'd go to sIeep and Ieave the Iights on Hopin'you'd come by and know that I was home and stiII awake But two years go by And stiII my Iights on This is hard for me to say but this is aII that I can say It's the Iast song (cars honking) I'II ever write for you It's the Iast time - Hey, this is for pedestrians! Get out of the way! - Get off the car. Get off the car! This is the Iast song I'II ever sing for you You come Iooking for the Iight... (crash!) (honking) (taunting) - Hey, baby! Hey! Where you going? Why don't you have some fun with us? Come on. -Just go away. - Come on, baby. -Just don't think you understand the virtues of fun. Come on. - Leave me aIone. - Come on! Ijust want you to have a IittIe fun. - Ijust want to go home. - Ijust want you to be happy. What? - Leave her aIone! - Gross! - She doesn't want to party. - Thank you. I can handIe myseIf. -Are you okay? - I've got a gun! - Okay. Take care. -Yeah, I don't know. I'm waiting for him. Hey, who was that? -A Iady. - Oh, yeah? WeII, thanks anyway. I thought it was a friend of my brother's. He used to coIIect cars Iike that. - Fuck! - Come on, Iet's go. -Where's this party anyway? - Let's go. - Come on, Iet's go! - Ignore them, honey, ignore them. Shh. (screaming) - Come on! Mom!!! - ... sightings, swearing and tearing asunder the monuments of civiIization. CIoserto home, over 600 wouId-be rockstars joined with Randy Bachman, in North York, forthe worId's Iargest guitar jam. Here they are Iearning the chords to ''Taking Care of Business.'' Taking care of business and working overtime A great song. We now continue with our Iive coverage from Nathan PhiIIips Square, where hundreds of thousands of peopIe are now converging to ceIebrate and to mourn. Thanks again to Hank... (honking) (gunshot, screaming) (yeIIing) -Whoo! -What do you want? - Hey, nothing. - Come on, Marty, Iet's just go. - Don't move. - Marty, forget it. We've gotta go downtown. - Shut up. - Ha! - Come on, Marty, forget it. Let's just get outta here. - Shut up. - Marty, we don't have time. - Shut up! - Great! This is fantastic. - Shut up. Look at me. - I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of what you can do. You're the one who's afraid. You're the one who's afraid. (cheering) (church beIIs ringing) (muted appIause) - Thank you, Iadies and gentIemen, for coming out to my debut. I hope you enjoy it as much as I hope to enjoy it. (coughing) (phone ringing) -WeII, I don't know. I was thinking more Iike Bruckner or, uh, Beethoven... Oh, come on, a IittIe obvious... No, that's for Christmas. That's for Christmas. TeII herthat's for Christmas orfor Easter. WeII, I don't have a copy, so it's pretty academic, reaIIy. No, I toId you, I-I-I'm feeIing good. Good... (doorbeII ringing) I am in good spirits. WeII, I don't know what they sound Iike, but I think I wouId know... (doorbeII ringing) - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Малышка на миллион на английском - текст Бетховен 4 на английском - текст Великий Зигфилд на английском - текст Когда Святые Маршируют на английском - текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском |