I had been married before. Once before. To a guy from a bakery shop where I used to work. So I shouId've known better. But this marriage, my current marriage, is the best reIationship I've ever had. I Iove him. I feeI Iike we've Iived a Iifetime together. So I guess I'm one of those peopIe you hate. - Oh, weII, I didn't mean it that way. -And anotherthing. I'm pregnant. -You're going to have his baby? - Carrying it, his embryo, my baby. Do you think that's immoraI? - ImmoraI? WeII, uh... WeII, no, none of us can have chiIdren. ActuaIIy, I think it's kind of sweet. - I wanted to know if I couId do it, if I had the power. And I do. We couId've done anything together. I Iove him. And we're going to go aII the way. (honking) What are you doing? -WeII, uh, there's some wires underthis thing. If you break it off... -You don't know how to do this, do you? - No. No, I have no idea. Taxi! Taxi! -What the fuck! You want me to run you over?! -Yeah, just, uh... Hi. Uh, thanks for stopping. My friend here needs a... a smoke. Do you have a cigarette? (radio): We're coming up on about 9:30, and we've reached number 34 in the top-500 songs of aII time. We can't stop the cIock, but we can make it go a IittIe smoother. Mr. Burton Cummings. GIamour boy Get your costume on You got 'em Iined up waitin'for you GIamour boy You got 'em standin'in the aisIes So don't hang 'em up For twenty-five-thousand doIIars you can Iook Iike a woman tonight (whistIing) For twenty-five-thousand doIIars I think it'II work out right I think it'II work out Uh-huh I think it'II work out oh you never know how to write it Think it'II work out Work out work out So spin with the archer now And Iaugh in his face as he cocks his bow SteaI from his mistress As she's makin'Iove to your famiIy And be aware That there's not many there Who want to take time to sing -Woo-hoo! (music continuing from afar) Don't you wanna take time to sing and pIay An honest song for the peopIe tonight (music continuing from afar) (car stopping) - Patrick. Patrick WheeIer. - Hey... -What a treat to see you today. - Right... Menzies. This is a friend of mine from high schooI. -Yeah, absoIuteIy, the oId orange and bIue. -Yeah, right. Is this your car? -You know, uh, you're Iucky I ran into you today. -Yeah, maybe. - Because I have two extra tickets forthe concert tonight that I wouId be honoured to give you. - Oh, great. So what concert's that? The thing downtown? -You didn't hear? It's my concert. I finaIIy got my recitaI. Tonight, 11:00 sharp. CatroIi HaII. - ReaIIy? That's reaIIy prestigious. We aII knew you had it in you. -We spent aII day driving around, me and my cousin Ernie, Iooking for a tux. Mine was ruined. Show him the tux, Ernie. I finaIIy found one at Harry Rosen. Harry Rosen of aII pIaces! - Right. Okay, weII, that's the thing. My friend here needs a Iift. - Uh-huh. WeII, I guess we couId drive her. But it's onIy three bIocks. - Right, but she's going across town. - Oh. - But if you're finished with the car... - Patrick... I need it. At Ieast untiI the show. You know, Ernie might have to run errands or IittIe... You know how concerts are. - Right. - I'd Iove to heIp you out. And yourfriend. She Iooks Iike a movie star. But, uh, I onIy have one car. - Right. - Not Iike Craig ZwiIIer. -WeII, good Iuck, then. Break a Ieg. - Oh, keep them. In case you're in the neighbourhood. - Patrick, I reaIIy appreciate aII your heIp. - Oh, Iisten, my pIeasure. (music) (heavy breathing) - Uh... one second. I've been watching you (door buzzer ringing) The way you move your sexy body Yeah, what is it? - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Распутник на английском - текст Сказка про Федота-стрельца, удалого молодца на английском - текст Котёнок по имени Гав на английском - текст Чайковский на английском - текст Агнец божий на английском |