confession to make. -You bad girI. Every day? - For seven years. At six o'cIock, no matter what I was doing, or what I was supposed to be doing: one drink, my private rituaI. So now it's off my chest. - Of course, you know I couId fire you forthis. - Do you want one? - Um, I think not, but you go ahead. - Right. You're driving. -You'II caII me if you need me? - Now why wouId I need you? - That's true. If there's a probIem... Don't Iet me down. (radio): Listen to my heart pound Listen to my Iove song - Patrick, just promise me you'II caII them, okay? Promise. - I promise. - Swearto God. -You be good. - Patrick... - Take care of her. (honking) - Can I heIp you? - Uh... this is where I Iive. - Oh, sorry. - Can I heIp you? - No. ActuaIIy, yes. Do yu have a phone. - Uh, no, not on my person, no. - No, but inside. - There's a pay phone on the corner. - That doesn't work. -WeII, if that doesn't work, mine won't either. - No that doesn't work because it's smashed. PIease, it's important. (beep!) - HI, hon, it's me. I thought you said you'd stiII be there. Uh... No, I guess you got off earIy. Okay, bye. (answering machine): Good afternoon, pIease Ieave it here. (beep!) - HeIIo, honey... Honey, where are you? I need you to come pick me up. My car got attacked and I'm stuck here on Phoenix Drive. - 364. - 364 Phoenix Drive, at 538-0398. CaII me, pIease. I'II try you on the car phone. - Uh, you gave him my number? - I'm sorry, is that aII right? HeIIo. Can you... - VeuiIIez Iaisser votre numйro... - Shit! (hanging up) -WeII, they haven't worked for weeks. CeII phones never reaIIy did. - I'm sorry, am I keeping you? - From what? - From your chiIdren. - I don't have any. - Oh. But these paintings... - Oh, those were done by other peopIe's chiIdren. From a daycare. - So, are you going to a party? - Nope. - PeopIe coming over? - No, I'm staying here by myseIf. - Oh, then I'II wait here a minute. Do you mind? Ijust went out to pick up some things and my husband is.., somewhere. I have to get home. -WouId you Iike a magazine or something? Something to eat? - Don't entertain me. Just do what you were doing. - Candy cane? My mother, she just threw this big Christmas dinner. She wanted us to reIive our happiest moments as a famiIy. So she took aII this stuff from our chiIdhood and wrapped it up and gave it to us as gifts. - This stuff? -Yeah, there's, uh... these oId report cards here, and awards that I won, and these IittIe craft things Iike that. Let me see that. Oh, yeah, diving. Yeah. It must've been my sister's. - I think I had some of these. Pete Seeger. That rings a beII. -Yeah, my mother says I Ioved that. ''Guantanamera.'' - She sounds nice. -Who? My mother, that she wouId do aII this? - No, that she gave you Pete Seeger when you were a kid. - Oh, weII, uh... I don't want to give you the wrong impression. It's not exactIy indicative of my famiIy. ActuaIIy, we had this big fight when I toId herthere were sociaIist impIications. - To what? Pete Seeger? - ''Oh, Patrick, why do you have to go and spoiI everything nice?'' - I didn't know. -What? - That he was a sociaIist. - Oh, uh... you know, foIk music. - He had these sing-aIong things, right? - Uh... yeah. - On TV. - Pete Seeger of the Weavers? You might be thinking of Mitch MiIIer or something? Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera It's Spanish. The streams of the mountain pIeases me more than the sea. - I shouId go. So you're going back there? -Where? - To your mother's. - No, I toId you, I'm staying here. - By yourseIf? -Yes, if I can. If that's not so hard to imagine. - For biIIing inquiry, press 2. -Jesus Christ, where the fuck are you?! - Look, if you need a car, you can aIways get one. -Where? - From... from anywhere. SteaI one. (kids Iaughing, imitating guns) ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Белая планета на английском - текст Преступление и наказание на английском - текст Братья Блюз 2000 на английском - текст Тайна железной двери на английском - текст Особенности национальной охоты на английском |