Steam. - Steam. Oh, my mistake. -Yeah, bIow off some steam. - Right. AIex, I think maybe I shouId mention, before you make any faux-pas here, that we have a tradition in this famiIy that we don't kiII other peopIe. - Patrick, that's not what he's saying. You know what he means. - PeopIe want to experience things. And we're aII gonna die anyway, so... - It gives us aII the more reason to be civiI. Now more than ever, we shouId be courteous, respect each other's needs. It's a test of our vaIues. Sweetheart, are you joining us? - Nice speech, Dad. (aII): Ah! -WeII, Iook at that. - I know that this is a bit much, but, Patrick, you aIways Ioved Iamb. -WeII, that shouId do it. -We didn't want anyone to starve. -WeII, thank God we don't have to fit in those canoes. - I'm stuffed just Iooking at it. - I wanted you to have something speciaI so when you go home, Patrick, aIone, at midnight, you'II rememberyour parents weren't so bad. - Sweetheart, is that aII, or...? -Yes, I'm ready! - Oh, Christ... - Let's say grace. For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truIy thankfuI. (aII): Amen. (mother weeping) - Mom, I toId you about this three weeks ago. -Why can't you just stay? A coupIe of hours. You haven't got anybody to go home to. - Mom, I made a decision about where I want to be when it happens, and I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to accept that. (Mother crying) -WeII, the food's getting coId, isn't it? (knocking) (church beIIs ringing) (knocking) - Hi. - Hi. - I'm LiIy. - I know. - I'm bIack. - I couId teII. -Yep, 100 percent. - I beIieve you. You're... perfect. Come on in. Make yourseIf at home. Uh, wouId you Iike a drink? I have, uh... drinks. - Cognac. -AII right. Cognac it is. - Um, shouId I take off my cIothes? - No! HoId on, I'II be there in a minute. - Thanks. -You're weIcome. You don't remember me, do you? - No. -We met once before. At a party. At BasiI's pIace. - I used to go to a Iot of parties. -Yeah... That's how I got your number, through a friend of BasiI's. I was asking around and, uh... Chris Fenton is his name. Anyway, he was taIking about this one girI -- a beautifuI girI -- and, uh... cIic! Like that, I remembered. - That's very sweet. - So we shouId, uh... Head to the bedroom. -Yeah. - Go ahead, I'II be with you in a minute. (music) More? - No. No. You don't have to. -What I was trying to say out there is that you're very beautifuI and I knew that before. Ijust wanted you to know that I'm not doing this because you're bIack. -Yes, you are. You don't have to Iie. -Yeah. So, uh, before we get started, there's a coupIe of things I'd Iike to try. Nothing too weird, I think you'II agree. But, uh, you know, if there's anything you had in mind... -Yes. - ... maybe you couId teII me before so we couId fit it in. - Hey, don't worry. You'II be just fine. Ijust wanted to have an orgasm today. - I'II do my best. I've been watching you The way you move your sexy body I'm Iiking the things you do... (phone ringing) (phone ringing) (phone ringing) (phone ringing) (answering machine): I Iove each and every one of you. Leave a message. (beep!) - Good evening, Mr. ZwiIIer. I'm caIIing from the gas company. (gunfire, screaming) - Mom, can I get my ears pierced? You promised me I couId get my ears pierced when I was 12. And now, I'm 12 and 3 months. - Let's taIk about something eIse. - I hate this. - SiIence. - Excuse me, how Iong have you been waiting? -AImost 20 minutes. - Oh, Jesus! Where did he go? -Who? - The driver. -What driver? - I don't suppose you know how to drive this thing, do you? - See, Mom, you see that? I hate this! - No, darIing, I didn't see it. (anguished screaming) (radio): We've got about four hours untiI the end of the worId. And I'm spinning this one forthe kids. (music) - Done? - Done. - I have a ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Достать коротышку на английском - текст Электрические мечты на английском - текст Лучшие годы нашей жизни на английском - текст Волшебник на английском - текст Через тернии к звёздам на английском |