twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, It's over ! seven, six, five, four-- ўЬўЬ[Fades](phone ringing) (phone ringing) (phone ringing) (phone ringing) (answering machine): Hi, it's me. I'm not here. If you're a friend or someone who's Ioved me, I want to thank you for being a part of my Iife. If it's you, Mom, I'm coming, I'II be there, reIax. Here's the beep. (beep!) - Good afternoon, Mr. WheeIer. I'm caIIing from the gas company. I hope you're doing weII and spending these finaI hours in peace with your Ioved ones. Rest assured that we wiII make every effort to keep the gas fIowing right untiI the end. (radio): Coming up on the Iast night on the pIanet, you're Iistening to CKRT, the top-500 songs of aII time. With ya... tiII the end. Last night I didn't get to sIeep at aII No no I Iay awake and watched UntiI the morning Iight Washed away the darkness of the IoneIy night LoneIy night I shouId caII you up And just forget my fooIish pride I heard your number ringing I went coId inside And Iast night I didn't get to sIeep at aII I know it's not my fauIt I did my best God knows this heart of mine CouId use a rest But more and more I find The dreams I Ieft behind Are somehow too reaI to repIace RepIace oh Iast night I didn't get to sIeep at aII oh no no The sIeeping piII I took Was just a waste of time I couIdn't cIose my eyes 'Cause you were on my mind And Iast night I didn't get to sIeep didn't get to sIeep No I didn't get to sIeep at aII -Wee-hee! Ha, ha, ha! But more and more I find The dreams I Ieft behind Are somehow too reaI to repIace oh oh Iast night I didn't get to sIeep at aII oh no no The sIeeping piII I took Was just a waste... (crashing and metaI crushing) (beIIs chiming, dogs barking) - Hi, Mom. -Yes, dear. - I'm sorry, I-- - I'II be with you in a minute. - Let's go. There may be some unfamiIiarfaces in here. - Hi. -Your esteemed grandmother. -Ah! - There he is! Oh, you Iook so handsome in that suit. -Yes, weII... -Aunt Rose. - Rose. -You remember Rose from Edmonton? - Dear sisterJennifer. - Hi. -AIex. -AIex, I thought that was you. I didn't know you were back in the picture. I thought you'd fIed to... - Patrick. - To the hiIIs. - Patrick, shut up. - He comes back when it counts. -Yeah, but I'm surprised you couId come. I thought you'd have some big famiIy thing, some big pig roast, or something-- - Patrick! -What? I'm greeting him Iike a brother. -You're being obnoxious. -Yeah, weII, exactIy. - Don't pay any attention. He's trying to be funny. -ActuaIIy, we are going to my parents after. - So, Iet's enjoy the time we have. -We were just opening the stockings. -What? Where's mine? You aIready started? -WeII, we couIdn't wait forever. I don't know, maybe there isn't anything Ieft. -What did you get? Is this yours? Did she give you aII this? AII of this... great stuff. One of these, yeah. Isn't it a IittIe Iate forthat? - It's oId. From when I was a kid. She's wrapping this oId stuff up from the attic. It's Iike nostaIgia. - Right... - Did you notice the tree? - It's a nice tree. -Your oId daddy got out the chainsaw and he dragged it back. From the front yard of the Winterson house. - It's quite the tree. -You remember HazeI Winterson. - They were one of the first to Ieave. - I'm not surprised. - Here we are! Ooh, aren't you Iucky. Look what Santa brought you Iast night. -Yeah! - Not that you deserve it. - Thank you, Santa. - Imagine, coming Iate to Christmas. -Ah-ah-ah-ah! Not in the fire. - Oh, right, it's fake. -What do you mean, it's fake? It's not fake. It's not for burning. - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Небо. Самолет. Девушка. на английском - текст Иваново детство на английском - текст Кудряшка Сью на английском - текст Тринадцатый апостол на английском - текст Манекен на английском |