be coming, right ? Right. Hey, hey, hey, Patrick. Look, I wasn't trying to show off... or trying to make you feel inadequate. I was showing you that as a friend and a buddy. I was actually trying to inspire you. Mm-hmm. Thankyou. [Man OverP.A., lndistinct] [ Chattering ] One and a half ! just one and a half ! One anda halfhours ! [ Bell Dings ] [Tires Screeching] You gonna be okay out there ? Yeah, yeah, sure. It'sjust a couple blocks. Yeah. Can you do me one favor before you go ? Sure. Come in. [Tires Screeching] Uh, Patrick, have a seat. I was trying to give you a hint up there by, uh, showing you the list, but I guess you don't, um, read too well, right ? [ Chuckles ] Ah, forget it. What ? Man, you're stupid. You wanna have sex ? That was down at the bottom ofthe list. I mean, there were certain acts that could only be done with other men. That-That necessarily wouldn't include anal sex, 'cause I already did that, but-- You know, there are other things. Right, right, I understand. Patrick, I like you. I mean, I always have. I like you too. To be perfectly honest, I never thought ofyou that way. I mean-- But that idea ofsex... with other men, you know, it crossed my mind, as it has done with most of us, probably. Ofcourse. So... here's-here's our chance. I mean, you could do worse. Well, uh, I thought you had a date. I do. So, we don't have much time. It's not gonna take that long. [ Chuckles ] Come on. You've already done this I don't know how many times today. It's gonna take some time. Look, are you being judgmental ? No, no, I'm not. There's nojudgement here. I don't have time for that. No, I'm not. I'm puttin' myself on the line here. And I'm flattered. I'm moved by it. Don't fuckin' condescend to me. I'm-- I would do it... ifyou asked me any other time, I swear, if-- I always thought I should, you know ? Ifyou'd given me some time to prepare, psychologically, and some time after. A couple months. I knew it. You're a wuss. It's nothing personal. It has nothing to do with you. I would say the same thing to a woman. It'sjust sex. Today, I just don't want to risk... having bad sex today. I just don't want that to be the last thing on my mind. And you think l'm fucked ? But I love you. And I love you, pal. Okay. [ Chuckling ] Okay. Okay. Mercy-fuckyour skinny ass ? What was I thinking ? In your dreams, pal. Get the fuck on home. Oh, uh, I forgot to mention I saw Menziesjust around the corner. I'm sure he'd be game. Oh, really ? Fuck off. Okay, I will. See ya. No, you won't. Good luck... fag. [Man On Radio] Coming up on the last hour, and we've reachednumber 12 on the top 500 ofalltime... according to me, allright ? So, don't bothercallin'in. This time it's mychoice. ўЬDidyou know why lgo to sleepўЬ ўЬAndleave the lights onўЬ ўЬHopin'you'dcome by andknowўЬ ўЬ That l washomeўЬ ўЬStillawakeўЬ ўЬBut twoyearsgo byўЬ ўЬAndstillmy light's onўЬ ўЬ This ishardforme to sayўЬ ўЬBut this isall that lcan sayўЬ ўЬўЬ[Continues] [ Cars Honking ] Come on ! Let's go ! [Honking Continues] [ThudOn Hood] Hey, this is for pedestrians ! Get out ofthe way ! Get offthe car ! Get offthe car ! [HonkingHorn] [ Screams ] Whoopsie ! [Girl] Fore ! [ Tires Screeching ] Hey, where areyougoin' ? [Crashing Sound] [Honking Continues] Look what you did to my car ! Nowyou're walking. [Man] Hey! Hey! Nowyou're walking ! Hey, baby! Hey! Where you goin' ? Why don't you have some fun with us. Go away. just go away. Come on, baby. I don't thinkyou understand the virtues offun. Come on. I want you to have some fun with us. Leave me alone. Come on ! I just want you to have a little fun ! I just wanna go home ! I just want you to be happy ! I don't thinkyou-- What ? Leave her alone ! [Woman laughing] She doesn't want to party ! Thankyou. I can handle myself. - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чёрная Акула на английском - текст Винни-Пух и день забот на английском - текст Алые паруса на английском - текст Стальной рассвет на английском - текст Крокодил Гена на английском |