Beeps] [Woman] Hi, hon. lt'sme. lthoughtyousaid you'dstillbe there. Uh-- No, lguess yougot offearly. Okay, bye. [ Dialing ] [ Line Ringing ] [ Beep ] Hello, honey. Honey, where are you ? I need you to come pick me up. My car got attacked, and I'm stuck here on Phoenix Drive-- 364. 364 Phoenix Drive, at 538-0398. Call me, please. I'll try you on the car phone. Uh, you gave him my number ? [ Dialing ] [ Line Ringing ] I'm sorry. Is that all right ? Hello. Canyou-- Shit ! [Hangs Up Phone] Well, they haven't worked for weeks. Cell phones. Never really did. I'm sorry. Am I keeping you ? From what ? From your children. Oh, I-- I don't have any. - [ Toy Squeaks ] - Oh. But these paintings. Oh, uh, those were done byotherpeople's children. From, uh, day care. So, you're going to a party ? Nope. People coming over ? No. I'm staying here by myself. Oh. Then I'll wait here a minute. Do you mind ? I just went out to pick up some things, and my husband is... somewhere. I have to get home. Would you like a magazine or something ? Something to eat ? Don't entertain me. just do what you were doing. Candy cane ? My-- My mother, shejust threw this big Christmas dinner. She wanted us to relive our happiest moments as a family. So she took all this stuff from our childhood... and wrapped it up and gave it to us as gifts. [Woman] Thisstuff? Yeah, there's, uh, these oldreport cardshere... and, um, awards that I won... and these little craft things. That. Let me see that. Oh. Oh, yeah, diving. Yeah. Must have been my sister's. I think I had some ofthese. Pete Seeger. That rings a bell. Yeah, my mother says I love that. Guantanamera. She sounds nice. Who ? My mother ? That she would do all this ? No, that she gave you Pete Seeger when you were a kid. Oh, well, uh, I don't want to give you the wrong impression. It's not exactly indicative of my family. Actually, we had this big fight when-- when I told her there were socialist implications. To what ? Pete Seeger ? ""Oh, Patrick, why do you have to go and spoil everything nice ?"" Oh, I didn't know. What ? That he was a socialist. Oh, well, you know, folk music. He had these sing-along things, right ? Uh, yeah. On TV ? Pete Seeger, ofthe Weavers. You might be thinking of Mitch Miller or something. ўЬ Guantanamera ўЬ ўЬ Guajira Guantanamera ўЬ ўЬ Guantanamera ўЬўЬ It's Spanish. ""The streams ofthe mountain pleases me more than the sea."" I should go. So you're going back there ? Where ? - To your mother's. - No. I told you, I'm staying here. By yourself? Yes. lflcan. That'snotso hard to imagine. jesus Christ. Where the fuck are you ? Look, ifyou need a car, you can always get one. Where ? From-- From anywhere. Steal one. [ People Shouting, Indistinct ] [ Dialing ] [ Line Ringing ] Stupid cell phones. [Woman] Three hours till the endofthe world! [Bells Chiming] Three hours ! Three more hours. Hurry up ! [Man] Shut up, lady! Move it. [KnockingAt Door] Well, here I am. I'm a little bit early. Hope that's not a problem. No, no, no. That's perfect. My, uh-- My friend just left. We have the place to ourselves ? That's right. Come in. So, this is your apartment where you live. Isn't it nice. Is it ? It is. And what had you been doing again ? What do you mean, before ? Before. With your life. Um, well, I-- I finished, uh, school, finally. And, uh-- uh, yeah, I took a couple ofyears off. I was going to med school. So... I guess I would have been a doctor ofsome sort. Oh, that's wonderful. I always knew you had it in you. Isn't it nice how things worked out so well ? And you grew up so... nicely. You're a handsome man. Well, thankyou. So-- Uh, can I get you something to drink ? lhave drinks. Oh, no, I'm fine. Thankyou. [ Laughs ] So, Craig, um, you probably won't want to hear this, but I saw your ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Война на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная Схватка на английском - текст Котёнок по имени Гав на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись на английском - текст Гарфилд: История двух кошечек на английском |