promised him you'd come. Gave him my word of honor he could watch you die. Lose the cannon. Has he hurt you, Andrew? Hurt, Jack? You say hurt? What do you know about hurt, Jack? You put me in a cage for 10 years. You should have gotten the death penalty. Yeah, would've, could've, should've. Yeah. Yeah, right. Things crawling around on your head, sitting on my chest when I wake up. Do you know what that's like, Jack? It was your illegal search... ...that rendered the bloody axe inadmissible. Remember, Jack? Now lose the gun. All right. I'm unarmed. - So let the boy go. - Just one gun, Jack? You gotta be kidding. Is that all, sport? Yep, that about does it. Then step away. Chop-chop. Oh, unless... consider this a weapon. Brilliant, Jack. Brilliant. I surrender. - It's a live grenade. - Yeah, right, Jack. You're gonna sacrifice your child to get to me. I'm very flattered, Jack, but I doubt it. Andy, pick up the grenade. Go on. Show it to me. That's good. Right there. Jack, that toy can't hurt the boy... ...but this one can. Focus! Hey, come on! - Focus. - Hey! People are trying to sleep. Yeah, right. The film is out of focus. The film is out... Never mind. Nick. Nick. Nick. Nick? Nick, you okay? - What? - The climax is on the fritz. I never used to do that, Danny. It's okay. I've seen this Slater six times. I just got worried. You know, the new Jack Slater opens this weekend at the Odyssey. Like I didn't know that. "They killed his second cousin. Big mistake. Jack Slater IV." Well, I'm checking the print. Tonight. Midnight. Just myself. I could arrange for you to gain admittance... ...that is, if that sort of thing appeals to you. See it before it opens? Who do I have to kill? Nobody. All you have to do is get to school. You're only gonna be four hours late. Treachery, conspiracy..., sword fights, madness, ghosts. And in the end, everybody dies. Shakespeare's Hamlet couldn't be more exciting. And though it may seem that he is incapable of taking any action... ...he is, in fact, one of the first action heroes. What you are going to see is a scene... ...from the film by Laurence Olivier. Some of you might have seen him in the Polaroid commercial... ...or as Zeus in Clash of the Titans. Oh, bosom, black as death. Help, angels. All may yet be well. Now he's praying. And now I'll do it. - And so he goes to heaven. - Don't talk. Just do it. Hey, Claudius. You killed my father. Big mistake. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark... ...and Hamlet is taking out the trash. Stay thy hand, fair prince. Who said I'm fair? No one's going to tell this sweet prince, "Good night." To be... ...or not to be. Not to be. The whole morning? He wasn't? No, I said he wasn't. He wasn't at school today. He's sick as a lamb, poor dog. Regale me with the story of your life starting this morning... ...8:30, first period, American history. And make this really good. I mean something along the lines of: "I cut so I could donate a kidney." You were at the movies again, weren't you? And that crazy old guy is an accessory. - Nick's not crazy. - Oh, damn it, Danny! You know I'm in there lying to a principal? Me, a charter member of the PTA, and what for? So you can go to the movies? Sorry. I didn't choose any of this. I didn't choose it. I didn't say, "Let me see what it'd be like to be a widow before I'm 40." I know that. Give me a hug. I won't cut again. - Let me hear the P-word on that. - Promise. All right. Oh, Jesus! I'm late. I gotta get to work. All right. Lock the top lock the minute I close the door, okay? And do not open this door for anyone. Bye. I love you. She called her mother in and they're trying to do something about it. I can't wait to see the new... - Continue to be a big problem... - Come here often? Ron Rice for one reason. - What you eating? - Nothing, maggots. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чебурашка на английском - текст Отступники на английском - текст Проверка на дорогах на английском - текст Сибирский цирюльник на английском - текст Космический Джэм на английском |