funeral. Are you crazy? When I say blood bath, there is... A blood bath. I will find out more about Slater's short friend. - He must be guilty of something. - Yes, of acting like an asshole. If I arrest him, I have to arrest Congress. - Why did your park there? - In case my ex-wife is here. She is not. Her name was not in the credits. - Who does the doctor treat? - Patients. - What is the elbow of my jacket doing? - Wearing thin? Bingo! That was a stretch. - Do you drive this on the weekends? - No, that is my girl's car. Knock on the door. Your ex-wife is not home. Her name was not in the credits. Meredith? - I hope you mean Whitney. - Sorry. Whitney. You are not Skeezy, are you? Daddy! - Stop it, Daddy! - You have gained some weight. Hi. I am Danny Madigan and my life has not been long yet. But from now on, it will all be downhill. - You look wonderful. - Thank you. So, who is your friend? He is cute. No, he is hopelessly insane. He probably loved you in "Gone With the Wind". - This is her first movie. - Do you see? - Who is Skeezy? - It is a sorority thing. They assign you a freshman and when he comes by you kiss him. - Do you have to kiss him? - Dad, come on! If the phone rings for me, I will be out of the shower in less than an hour. What a cutie. That is old evidence. Counterfeit case. Looks real, right? It turns funny colours when you burn it. I used it for alimony. What is wrong? You do not happen to have a cigar, do you? "I will be back." I know. Dad! Dad! He would have been your age. I know. The Ripper pulled him down off the roof three years ago. - Your dad saw everything. - How do you know all that? Your dad is in the papers a lot. I like crime stories. - That is Skeezy. - I will get rid of him. Hello, Toto. There and there and there. Let go of me! - Good evening. Is Uncle Jack here? - He is off tracking a lead. Joe, would you teach her the virtue of silence? Benedict, if you harm a hair on her head... Stop! You were saying? Now, I believe it was Sherlock Holmes who said: "Eliminate all logical solutions to a problem - - and the illogical becomes invariably true." I know your name is Daniel Madigan, but how do you know mine? Slater showed me some mugshots. We made your face easy. Daniel Madigan from New York. A long way from home. - When did you get here? - Just. Then how do you know what I said on the terrace? I heard a recording. - Are there microphones in the statues? - You would not believe how many. - And the eye I was wearing? - I saw it. I saw it in a movie. There were micro-cameras in the statues. I have killed people smarter and younger than you. This is between you and Slater. Take the money in the desk - - and leave me and Meredith... Whitney, alone. Holy shit, boss. It looks like two K in here. Just a minute. Give it to me. These bills are marked, right? You tried to sucker me with them. Burn it. - Burn it? - Yes, burn it. Do not play games with grown-ups. You will get hurt. Big mistake. Great, is it not? I will hurt you a little bit. Freeze! Lose the guns or I redecorate in brain matter grey. Got it? Kill me and I will kill him. Leave it. Get the door. Boss? Do not give up your day job. Jack! Do not leave home without it. - Where are you going? - I have to catch the red-eye. I do not believe this. I am in the movie and... I am missing the action! Get the hell out of here! Back up the top! Next time we get thicker armour. Like a tank. Chicken it is. This is going to work. It is a movie. I am a good guy. I am a comedy sidekick. Oh, shit! It is not going to work! - I think I scared them. - You did great. Come on. Benedict has the ticket. Too bad. I wanted it for my collection. You are travelling through another dimension. My name is Skeezy. S-K-E-E-Z-Y. Say this. - Grow up. - Just say this one word. - Is it another movie proof? - Maybe. - I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Перестройка на английском - текст Авиатор на английском - текст Альф на английском - текст Пустынный берег на английском - текст Великое закрытие на английском |