joint. Some guy comes in, sits a couple of stools away. He's got one of them eyes that's going like this. I didn't know whether he was trying to put the make on me. I thought I'd take you there tonight, let him have a shot at you before I tore his head off. Let's go. I want to get out of here. - Just get off my back. - Come on. I got it. - What the hell's going on? - I'll tell you later. Hurry up. - Give me the key. - Ever driven a Mercedes? A car's a car. I drive mine every day. - I'm driving, I've seen your car. - Shit, that's cold. How could you not notice a man sticking a banana in your tailpipe? - He distracted us. - How? He sent us a late supper. This waiter comes over... Billy, he gets the point. A late supper? And what did you have, Rosewood? I think it was a shrimp salad sandwich, sir. - A shrimp salad sandwich? - Yes, sir. I want you two to go back to the hotel and wait for Foley. If you lose him again, don't bother calling in. Got that? - Yes, sir. - Yes, sir. A late supper. We've got something for you, Billy. An anti-banana disguise. - It may come in handy. - A little extra protection, Billy. Very funny. Let's go. - You take the car and go home. - What about you? I want to find out about this place. It's a bonded warehouse. They hold our foreign shipments till they clear customs. I'm going to check it out. Go home. Damn it, Axel. I'm not going to bail you out again. Go home. How you doing? Come here for a second, please. - Hi, you have a match? - No smoking in here. I'm going to smoke when I go outside. Thank you very much. - Is your supervisor here? - In the office. - Will you get him? - What's the problem? You security? Then you're the fucking problem. Get your supervisor. Now. Now! OK. He didn't come back yet. What do we do now? We wait. OK. - Can I help you? - Are you the supervisor? - Yes. Who are you? - Inspector Rafferty, US Customs. - Has all this gone through customs? - No, this is the bonded area. Then tell me, how can a black man, dressed like me, just march in and start poking around without being asked any questions? - I don't know. - That's the answer I wanted. Give me your ID numbers. Somebody's going to lose their job. - He gave me a match. - You gave him a match? Listen. I do security checks all over the nation. And apart from Cleveland, this place has the worst security in the nation. Call your wives cos we'll be here all night. We're gonna check the background of every crate, starting with this one. It says here that by the time the average American is 50, he's got five pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels. Why are you telling me this? What makes you think I have any interest in that at all? Well, you eat a lot of red meat. The inspector needs the information on those bills. All the manifests, too. And records of all shipments due into the same destination. - What's this about? - Just do it. You got a warrant for this? You have a very big mouth, sir. Are you hiding something from me? I bet that's your Porsche outside. Is it? Would you like me to have the IRS crawl up your ass with a microscope? It's not pretty. I want you to know something. I want you all to know, I could have 25 agents here in 15 minutes, to march in here, snatch your bond and you'd be out of business, if you don't cooperate. Understood? We'll give you everything you need. - Everything you need. - That's not my Porsche, sir. You've nothing to worry about, then. You all take me for a fool. Hurry! I notice you've been drinking a lot of coffee lately. I think that's why you have a hard time relaxing. Jesus Christ! You almost gave me a heart attack. - What are you doing here so late? - You're a cocky son of a bitch. If you're still mad about the banana, I'm sorry. I needed some time to myself. I wish I'd seen your face when the car conked out. Very funny. The lieutenant docked ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Daenseo-ui sunjeong на английском - текст Рождественские каникулы на английском - текст Доходный дом Иккоку на английском - текст Настоящий гений на английском - текст Гиперболоид инженера Гарина на английском |