on, go home. How you doing, man? How you doing? Still breaking in people's houses. What do you expect with that lock? Buy a real lock. l got my pistol. I'll shoot somebody. l can't afford no electric, close my fridge. There's roaches in there. So what's up, man? Look at you! - When did you get out? - Six months ago. And you're just coming to see me now? l got out early for good time and l went to California, get some sun. l gotta show you something. l ain't seen you in two years, man. What's up? 10,000 Deutschmarks. - Deutschmark? - Yeah. - What is that? - They're bearer bonds. Untraceable. You stole 'em? - No. - I don't want to hear it. - It's just good to see you. - I missed you, man. - What were you doing in California? - Working. - Working where? - Guess. - I don't know. - Beverly Hills. - What were you doing? - You won't believe this. l was a security guard. Who'd hire you as a security guard? - Jenny Summers. - Jenny Summers? l haven't seen Jenny in years. - What's she up to? - She's doing great. She's manager of this art gallery. The Hollis Benton Art Gallery, Beverly Hills. It's world famous. Ever hear of it? Yeah, I buy all my art there. Corner pocket, two cushions. - 50 bucks you don't make that shot. - Bullshit. - 100. - You got a bet. - What are you gonna do? - You're as bright as always. 20, 40, 60, 80, take it. Have a party. Pleasure doing business with you. What the fuck you gonna do? Miss, two more Scotch and sodas. l got a great idea. l got a great idea. Let's steal a car. Are you serious? I'm a fucking police officer. l can't steal cars no more. How many times have you stolen a car, man? A fucking Cadillac! Driving on the expressway like two fucking maniacs. l remember you went to jail for that. - No, it was state school. - That's jail when you're 15. That ain't jail, man. That's like day camp compared to jail. How come you didn't tell on me when you got caught? You don't know? - You don't know? - No. Because I love you, man. One more round. Hold still. Mike, I gotta open the door, OK? Balance yourself. Here we go, Mike. I'm opening the door now, OK? Here we go. Axel! Hey, Mikey, where have you been? What's up, Zack? What have you got there, Mikey? What is this? Your laundry? l swear, l was going to bring 'em back. - You got lost? - No. l came to see my friend. I had 'em with me. I figured, you know... - What you doing? - What am I supposed to do, Mikey? There was a whole box of them. l didn't think anybody'd miss a couple. l figured l'd take 'em... - Shut up. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, shut up. - Man, please. - Just shut up, Mikey. l swear... l swear, if you ever show your face out there again... - Ever. - I won't. I promise you. I'm sorry. l fucked up, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Ever. - I'm sorry. Axel, go to the hospital and get that bump on your head checked out. - My head is all right, man. - It's not a request, Axel. Boss. Boss... Can I talk to you for a minute? l heard you got Rand on this case. He doesn't know the time of day. Don't mess with me. He hasn't left his desk in 12 years. At least he's had 12 years. Anyway, it's a homicide case and it belongs to Rand. Go to the hospital. - Can I ask around a bit? - Don't do a thing. You're skating on thin ice as it is. We're talking about a friend of mine! Yes, we are, aren't we? Let's take a close look at that. One, a hoodlum friend. Two, a professional hit. Three, in a cop's apartment. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. - Why a professional hit? - I didn't just walk into this town. Whoever killed your friend wasn't worried about you. lf they were, you'd be lying beside him in that meat wagon. Don't do a damn thing. Stay out of this. I'm owed some vacation time. l want to take my vacation now. Stay away from this case. l just need a little vacation, that's all. All right, as soon as you finish at the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Мольба на английском - текст Звезда на английском - текст Где же мечты юности? на английском - текст Драка друзей на английском - текст Заклятие долины Змей на английском |