super glue. - Billy's really out there, isn't he? - Billy's pretty fucked up. - I heard that. - I know. I was joking! Give me the super glue. - What's that music from? - The Dating Game. Let's give Billy a big Dating Game kiss. Where's your phone? - In the bedroom. - Where, in the alligator pit? Jesus, Billy. - Jeff? Axel. - Axel, it's one in the morning. Jeffrey, stop talking. How's the Ferrari? Great. What a great car! Do those seats go back? I was with Marcy trying to get the seats back... You can't do freaky shit in that car. You have to do something for me. - Something you don't want to do. - Am I going to get in trouble? - You see that? - Weird. It's not weird. It's simple. The fumes from the super glue attach to the acid from the fingerprints. It's a street cop trick. Hasn't filtered down to you boys yet. - Now we have to match it. - We could use the computer downtown. There won't be anybody there this time of night, Sarge. Shit. There goes my medical insurance. - You can be such a pussy sometimes. - Really. Let's go. Come on. You boys definitely get an A in High-tech. It takes 60 cops to do this shit in Detroit. Charles Cain. Used to be Charles Campos. I just met this guy. He works in the Beverly Hills Gun Club. - He does? - This ain't the guy, he's a weasel. - This isn't a master criminal. - That's his print. This guy had nothing to do with Bogomil getting shot. If he suspected him, he would've picked him up. Let's put an APB out on Cain. We can't. All we got is fingerprints. We need something else. - What do we do now? - Let's go to the Gun Club. Wait. It's 1 1 :00. The Gun Club's closed. - So? - So? This is a big mistake. A big mistake. It's against the law. Once we cross the line, there's no way back. I'll go. I'll go. See? Would you lighten up and take some risks? Fuck it. Let's go. - Shit. Alarm tape. - There are ways around alarm tape. If we open this door, the connection will break between the magnets. If we use this foil, and you squeeze it between the two magnets, then take your gum to hold it in place... Now the magnets have the illusion that the connection's not broken. Then we take our knife... Open the door without... We walk in without the alarm going off. You've done that before. I wasn't always a police officer, I fractured a law or two as a kid. - Can I have a piece? - It's my last one. Split it. None for you. - What are we looking for? - A needle in a haystack. Give me some light over here. Shit. Here you go. What the hell is that? That knife. - It's mine. Home protection. - Billy, we got to talk. - Did you get it? - Yeah. - What is that? - A needle in a haystack. Map coordinates? Is this Inspector Todd of the Detroit Police? It is. I'm sorry to be bothering you, my name is Lionel Hand, I'm with the FBI Enforcement Bulletin. - I read it all the time. - Thanks. We're proud of it. Don't touch the leather. My director has asked me to interview an exceptional police officer, and your name was on our computer. - Is that right? - This is short notice, but could you meet me this morning for breakfast at my office? - How's nine o'clock? - Yeah. I'll be there. Thank you. My pleasure. Ring. Here's your coffee, sir. Just once a week, I'd like tea. Do you know what I mean? - Yes, sir. - That too much to ask? Come on, come on... Damn it, who tricked my ass? - 440... - Don't confuse me when I'm dialling. This is Todd. - Inspector Todd? - That's what I said. This is Harold Lutz. I'm chief of the Beverly Hills Police Department. Do you have an officer Axel Foley... Yes, he's under my command, but he's assigned to some multi-jurisdictional, Federal task force. I never know where the hell he is. It's a real pain. I can't control him. He reports directly to the Feds. I have to go. What the hell are you doing in here? - This is not my office. - You damn right it isn't. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кровавый спорт на английском - текст Они сражались за Родину на английском - текст Бетховен 4 на английском - текст Беловы на английском - текст Муми-тролль и комета: Путь домой на английском |