a problem. Fielding made that casing for Cain. You wanted to see me? I'd like to go over plan C and D. We've promised to deliver Thomopolis $10 million, Friday at 6pm. If we fail, I'll be put to some inconvenience, to say the least. So I'd like to go over it and avoid the mistakes made on the Adriano job. What mistakes? Adriano's was perfect. Adriano's was not perfect. It was perfectly planned, but it was executed with incompetence. It was partly my fault. I assumed if my instructions were clear, even you could follow them. - Obviously, I was wrong. - I don't understand. You supplied your thugs with guns from my club? Yes. But they were totally clean. Nobody could trace them. Nobody knows you planned the jobs. Nobody knows you wrote the notes, Karla did the job and left the notes. Then why is there a man in my club with shell casings from one of my guns asking questions? I don't know. - Who is he? - I'd say he's a cop. Wouldn't you? I don't know. I haven't seen him. Here he is, on television. Take a good look at him cos you're going to kill him. - What? - Kill him, burn him, blow him away. How long would it take to shave those legs? I suppose you're trying to be charming. - Just offering my grooming services. - I don't think so. - Chip, perfect timing for once. - Chip Cain. I'm the manager here. How are you, Chip? Beautiful place here, very comfortable. We do our best. Maybe you'd like to have a guest membership. That'd be nice, kinda like shooting guns in the house. Where can I send you an application? 1603 Hillcrest. A big white house. Beautiful place. We'll send it along with the .44 shells. - I'll be sure to duck. - Goodbye, Mr James. I guess that's my cue. Excuse me. You got a match? Damn. - Richard James. 1603 Hillcrest Road. - Right. Hey, Cain...you got a match? Here you go. Keep it. And, Jack, don't screw this up. - What about the cop in hospital? - He's guarded 24 hours a day. - Here's the impending Alphabet note. - Will they break this one? They'll crack it when we want them to. How'd it go? What would you guys say if I said a six-foot blonde works here? Witnesses reported a six-foot blonde at Adriano's. This isn't Detroit. Six-foot blonde women grow on trees in California. He's right. They're everywhere. You really need me! You can't tell there's something weird here? Meet me at my house at 1603 Hillcrest in about an hour. - Where are my vitamins? - Here's $20. Get some more. - My house in an hour. - What did he do, sell them? Freeze. Damn it, Axel. You scared the hell out of me. Sorry. I let myself in. How you doing? I'm tired. I had some work to do at the office. - You still at the insurance company? - Find anything? A lot of newspaper cut-outs about oil prices dropping. - Did you invest in oil stocks? - On a cop's pay? No way. And there's an ad for a club called 385 North. Is that one of your father's hangouts? Your father got shot cos he was on to something. But what? Do me a favour, use your connections at your company to find out about a guy named Maxwell Dent. I'll try. You can let yourself out. I'm gonna take a shower. Don't shoot nobody. - This has got to be a mistake. - There's his car. If he's here, he must be robbing the place. I don't like this, Billy. What would he be doing here? Maybe the Pointer Sisters live here. - What?! - Out back. Welcome to Wheel of Fortune. I thought I just heard Jack say... Watch out. The deck's very slippery. There's beer in the refrigerator or you can make yourself martinis. Wait. You're on duty. No martinis. Perrier water is what you want. Swimming trunks in the bedroom. Dive in the pool. - Why are you in a place like this? - A place like what? - Like this. Swimming pool, jacuzzi. - What? I'm spoiling myself rotten. The construction? I am embarrassed about that. I'm just using the other five bedrooms, compromising my lifestyle. You've ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Фламандская доска на английском - текст Карлсон вернулся на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра на английском - текст Легенда о Сурамской крепости на английском - текст Город мастеров на английском |